Anti-War High School Students Meet In City


Fifth Estate # 39, October 1-15, 1967

Over the weekend of September 8-10, a Detroit Area High School Anti-war Conference was held. Many concrete resolutions came out of it, including “support of the October 21st demonstration in Washington; support of all activities based around the confrontation; that a call go out to all high school students to participate in the march and organize around it. That they march in it under their own banners.”

Another way support of GIs that use their right to free speech and are confronted by the army brass; i.e. Andrew Stapp, Howard Petrick, Captain Levy. Another resolution was that students be taught about the draft and learn all forms of resistance to it.

Workshops on high school organizing, the draft, and free speech issues were held Saturday, and much valuable information and exchange of ideas came out of it. People told what they had been doing in their own areas. Sue Claus, from Students Against the War in Vietnam (SAWV), in Toronto, told of the various activities going on in the nationwide Canadian anti-war organization, including a Teach-in Campaign to get anti-war speakers in every school. A delegate from Minneapolis, Bill Scheer told of the recent high school anti-war poetry written and recited by Wayne U, Prof. David Herreshoff, and various other speakers. Sunday films were shown, and a plenary session was held. The conference came to a close Sunday afternoon.

The Detroit High School Student Mobilization Committee plans to organize high school students around the October 21st demonstration and also has plans to get anti-war speakers into high schools. They will be in Washington in full force and will send members to the National High School Anti-war Conference in Chicago over Thanksgiving. The committee holds its meetings in its office, 1101 W. Warren at 1:00 p.m. every Saturday.

Send donations and inquiries to Det. HSSMC, 1101 W. Warren, Det. Michigan, 48201, or call 832-5700.