Sex & Revolution


Fifth Estate # 389, Summer, 2013

my flesh is rippling music dancing

as I move my hands my lips across your supple

body blending everything becomes bewildered unpretended

in these moments of ecstatic rhythm

reggae sweat your breath so still

lingering upon my lips

your body mine the last of the wine

spilled between us in a kiss

an offering not offered to some other god

but shared

these moments of ecstatic rhythm writhing

in abandon Dionysus could not have taught me

mysteries more powerful than making love

all acts of pleasure consummate rebellion

all conscious nakedness can shuffle off this mortal coil

and by expanding span the growing chasm between

Self and Not-Self

eliminating borders to abandonment’s continuum

a communion of surrender and resistance

which is survival and our happiness

think this: distances are dangerous

illusions of distinctions are conclusions of


we must be in love with the world become it

to save it from our own self-hatred

lover, i caress the whole in you with every touch

turning us away from sure destruction

bring your lips again to mine

and seal our sweet conspiracy of sex

and revolution pleasure is our bread and wine

and Anarchy our paradise

chaos comes into the inner heart surrounds the world

around just at the moment we dissolve our barriers

against it in these moments of ecstatic rhythm

we become the everywhere and everything

at last, uncontrollable and free

“Sex & Revolution,” also appeared in Fifth Estate, Spring/Summer 2005 [Fortieth Anniversary issue]