Books and Publications Received


Fifth Estate # 389, Summer, 2013


Sasha and Emma: The Anarchist Odyssey of Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman, by Paul Avrich and Karen Avrich, Harvard University Press, 2012, 528 pp., 36 photos, $35.

The story of “the most dangerous woman in America” and her long-time companion, begun by the late historian Paul Avrich and completed by his daughter. Goldman’s words, whose quotes adorn everything from coffee mugs to Occupy placards, still resonate with the passion and vision of anarchy.

Anarchy! An Anthology of Emma Goldman’s Mother Earth, edited by Peter Glassgold, 2012, Counterpoint Press, 464pp., $19.95.

This volume contains a rich selection of articles and commentary from Goldman’s monthly magazine which published from 1908 until 1918 when it was effectively closed by the Woodrow Wilson administration which was busy “making the world safe for democracy.”

Radical writers of the era from Peter Kropotkin and Leo Tolstoy to Voltarine de Cleyre and Margaret Sanger fill the pages.

The Best of Social Anarchism, edited by Howard Ehrlich and a.h.s. boy, 2013, See Sharp Press, 421pp., $24.95;

The Baltimore gang has been putting out this thoughtful magazine since 1980. It contains the best of anarchist theory and practice they’ve published over the last almost quarter-century.

The prolific See Sharp Press has also recently released a flurry of other titles worth a look including titles of post-apocalyptic fiction, and a non-fiction look at the culture wars initiated by the American Taliban, i.e., right-wing Christians.

Exposing “Little Guantanamo”: Inside the CMU, Daniel McGowan, AK Press, 22pp, $2.00.

Daniel McGowan, an environmental activist, imprisoned for a series of arsons attributed to the Earth Liberation Front, was transferred to a Communications Management Unit in the notorious Marion, Illinois supermax. The facility is set up for those convicted of terrorism, a prison within a prison, where inmates are on constant lockdown and their movements highly restricted.

This pamphlet is a firsthand account of this newest development in the “war on terror.” McGowan is currently in a half-way house after seven years in prison but was jailed in April by the Bureau of Prisons following publication of his writings on CMUs in the Huffington Post. Fortunately, the Center for Constitutional Rights quickly obtained his release.

The Anarchist Turn, edited by Jacob Blumenfeld, Chiara and Simon Critchley, Pluto Press, 2013,

Globalization and the opposition movements it spawns have shown that an anarchical society is not only desirable, but feasible.

Maps to the Other Side: The Adventures of a Bipolar Cartographer, Sascha Altman Dubrul, 2013, Microcosm Publishing, 192 pp, $15.95,

A twist on the classic punk rock travel narrative that searches for authenticity and connection in the lives of strangers and the solidarity and limitations of underground community.

An illuminated trail through a complex labyrinth of undocumented migrants, anarchist community organizers, brilliant visionary artists, revolutionary seed savers, punk rock historians, social justice farmers, radical mental health activists, and iconoclastic bridge builders.


Free Voices, c/o Solomon Press, 98-12 66th Ave., Suite #2, Rego Park, NY 11374.

In an era when interest and adherence to anarchism is on the rise, it’s a strange phenomenon that papers expressing it are on the decrease. So, it’s good to see this finely produced magazine which, like this publication, has a theme each issue. FV #10 proves the adage that great minds think in the same direction since their theme is Education and Anarchism. Single issues are $5.95; $20 for a 4-issue subscription. Support the anarchist press!

Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed, No. 74, C.A.L. Press, POB 3448, Berkeley CA 94703; Now a yearly, AJODA features a high-end look with a gorgeous cover. The contents are not for those looking to skim breezy articles. Book reviews examine Against Architecture and The Beginning of the American Fall without a bit of sympathy. Also, an interesting and sympathetic review of Kathy Ferguson’s book on Emma Goldman. A review of it appears on our page 30.

Articles such as “Its Cure is the Negation,” challenge the reader, plus columns.

Media Junky, Issue 18, Winter 2013. It’s good to see that xeroxes haven’t completely disappeared. Its clip and paste punkish format is almost in eclipse, so thanks to Jason Rodgers, PO Box 62, Lawrence MA 01482 for continuing the tradition.

Actually, when you read through MJ, you realize there are a lot more of these publications than you would expect. If you want to see what is happening on the margins of publishing, Jason has the list and reviews of them. $1 or stamps or “a nice letter,” he writes.