Call For Submissions: Education


Fifth Estate # 387, Summer, 2012

For: Fifth Estate, Fall 2012
Deadline: August 1
Publication date: September 5

Fall is the traditional time when students resume their studies. At present, there are tuition strikes, austerity strikes, student loan debt crises, and other dilemmas regarding education playing out in the public arena. For much of mainstream society, even the very value and meaning of education is now in question.

The last Fifth Estate dealing with the topics of education, unschooling, and knowledge, was our Fall 2004 issue, so the moment seems ripe to revisit these topics from an array of perspectives. The education back issue is available for $4 at our web site; use the Donate button.

Your ideas for suggested news articles, essays, and art are welcome. Please submit manuscripts for short pieces and proposals for longer essays, along with graphics and photographs to: Fifth Estate, PO Box 201016, Ferndale, MI 48220, USA Or submit online at: fe (circle a)

Please put “Submission 388” on the email subject line.