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Fifth Estate # 387, Summer, 2012

New magazine published

Modern Slavery: The Libertarian Critique of Civilization, is a new magazine from CAL Press, publishers of Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed, that is printing material they identify as critical and creative material that has too often fallen in between the cracks of other periodicals from a left libertarian perspective.

In its whopping 200-page first issue, with a $12.95 price tag, MS emphasizes long form essays (greater than 3000 words) from writers such as Ron Sakolsky, Paul Simons, Karen Goaman, Voltarine de Cleyre, and Jason McQuinn.

For information on submissions and purchase, write modernslavery – AT –

LBC Books 2012 Schedule

LBC Books, the publishing arm of Little Black Cart distribution, has begun an aggressive publishing schedule for 2012.

Books published so far include Occupy Everything: Anarchists in the Occupy Movement 2009-2012; Queer Ultraviolence: A Bash Back Anthology; Freedom: My Dream, the autobiography of Enrico Arrigoni; Theory of Bloom by Tiqqun; and Uncivilized: The Best of Green Anarchy Magazine.

LBC Books publishes under a number of imprints including Ardent Press, The Anvil Review, and several to be seen later in 2012.

More information at and Purchase these titles at, and read free material at LBC also sells Fifth Estate back issues; you can link from

This quite astounding and prolific outpouring warrants a review for almost every publication mentioned above. If you are interested, contact us at fe – AT –

APOC set to meet

The first national Anarchist People of Color Convergence (APOC) was held in 2003. Feeling that another is long overdue, a call has been issued for another in New Orleans, July 12-15. Organizers anticipate between 150 and 300 participants.

Info at Also,; workshop proposals and general information from anarchistpeopleofcolor – AT –

The organizers have issued this statement:

APOCalypse will gather people of color to discuss, build, and share radical anti-authoritarian practices based on autonomy, egalitarian relationships, and justice. We hope to bring together a couple hundred friends, comrades, family members, and strangers to New Orleans to celebrate, re-map, and craft our anti-authoritarian visions and skills for the years to come.

Through parties, plenaries, workshops, panels, roundtables, and space for impromptu discussions, we will discuss what it means to organize as anarchists; the future of indigenous solidarity; people-of-color movement history; science fiction; queerness; and conversations on racialization.

Not everyone coming will be or has to be an anarchist. We just hope that participants will want to build power in ways that are not hierarchical, racist, and hetero-patriarchal but are instead collaborative and horizontal.

All of the organizers are unpaid and paying their own expenses, but need to provide transportation, food, coordinate housing and translation/interpretation for the participants as well as line up childcare and healing practitioners. The New Orleans collective of seven people are bearing the brunt of most of the cost and logistical work although people in the Bay area and New York City have committed to help in fundraising.

Details on how to donate are on the web and facebook pages above.