

Fifth Estate # 387, Summer, 2012

3rd Annual Twin Cities Anarchist Book Fair

The 3rd Annual Twin Cities Anarchist Book Fair (TCABF) is the weekend of Sept. 15-16 at the Powderhorn Park building in Minneapolis.

The organizers say while the primary purpose of the Book Fair is to promote and debate the ideas of anarchism, it is also open to organizations and individuals who seek a radical restructuring of our current society to be more democratic, less oppressive, and just for all people.

The TCABF organizing committee lost a close friend and collaborator this year. Adam Briesemeister, who was instrumental in building the book fair for the past two years, a committed anarchist, Wobbly, and radical community organizer, died this March in a house fire in south Minneapolis.

True to his principles to the end, Adam succumbed to smoke inhalation only after alerting his housemates, all of whom survived the fire. Many members of the Minneapolis radical community have decided to dedicate our activism to Adam’s memory this summer, and we hope to make this year’s book fair especially vibrant and effective in his honor.

At past fairs there have been over two dozen tablers, a score of workshops, and innumerable opportunities for anarchists, other radicals, and members of the general public to meet, discuss radical ideas and build community.

For more information on the fair, tabling reservations, and accommodations, go to their site at

150 Years of Colonialism: 150 Years of Resistance
2012 Victoria Anarchist Bookfair

Victoria, British Columbia, located on unceeded Lekwungen Territory, is celebrating 150 years of colonialism through city events that promote historical erasure.

The Victoria Anarchist Bookfair will respond with illuminating stories of historical and ongoing colonialism while celebrating 150 years of resistance. It is September 8-9 at the Fernwood NRG Community Hall, 1240 Gladstone Ave., Victoria, BC, Lekwungen Territory.

As a catalyst for putting learning into action, we are also mobilizing to build opposition against the Northern Gateway Pipeline and other such proposals, which are glaring examples of ongoing colonialism on Canada’s West Coast.

The Bookfair is for anarchists and non-anarchists, with participants from all over North America and beyond. It includes workshops on a wide range of topics.

The organizers write, “We seek to challenge colonial attitudes, introduce anarchism to the public, foster dialogue between various political traditions, and create radical, inclusive, anti-oppressive spaces. Participants with different visions, practices, and traditions are welcome.”

Events include book and information tables, workshops, readings, films, presentations, and more.

In addition to the Bookfair, a “Festival of Anarchy” will take place during the preceding week, September 1-7, with diverse anarchist-themed events occurring at different venues in Victoria.

You can propose any type of event or activity; the only limit is your imagination. Also this year, the Urban Interventionists are looking to coordinate artists to intervene in spaces around the city. Installations, flash mobs, bike races, dance parties, punk shows under bridges, guerrilla art, graffiti, performances and beyond.

The Fair is particularly seeking workshops that engage with theme of anti-colonialism and the mobilization to stop proposed pipeline projects in B.C. This can include presentations on radical theory, Indigeneity, historical issues, participatory demonstrations, panel talks, facilitated discussions, and everything in between.

Also, workshops that address, challenge, and connect gender, sexuality, race, colonialism, ability, capitalism, environmental destruction, workers’ struggles, and other issues affecting our communities are welcome.

For information on tables, workshops, volunteering and general questions, go to their web site at

Left Bank Books publishes books and pamphlets again

After several years of silence, Seattle’s Left Bank Books Collective is restarting its publishing project with books and pamphlets, both repressings and original works.

The first is a repress of the first pamphlet published by Left Bank, The Kronstadt Uprising of 1921, written in 1975 by one of the founders of the project, Lynne Thorndycraft. It tells the history of the heroic revolt of Russian sailors against Bolshevik tyranny and counter-revolution.

The second is a new essay by John Zerzan titled, The Origins of the 1%: The Bronze Age. Upcoming is a new edition of Peter Gelderloos’ How Nonviolence Protects the State.

Visit for more information, including their bookstore and publishing projects.

Free Voices Magazine

Free Voices will publish its eighth edition this summer with an Anarchist Feminist issue. The publishers say their goal “is to present anarchism as a living, working philosophy,” and present current analyses and anarchist classics. They have an ambitious publishing schedule stretching into 2013 which includes issues on labor and anarchist education.

Subscriptions are $20 for four issues from Free Voices, 98-12 66th Ave., Suite #2, Rego Park NY 11374, or on line at; email.