About this issue



Fifth Estate # 386, Spring, 2012

Just when the corporate bosses thought their world-racket was secure (give or take a few economic crises), the old mole of revolution has suddenly poked her furry head above ground and has put the question of power and wealth on everyone’s lips. Hence, this issue could not have appeared at a better time.

Although we decided upon a Revolution themed issue a few months before the Occupy movement began, we weren’t prescient. In fact, we were discouraged about whether there would be fight back even on Capital’s terrain to stop the austerity attacks on workers.

The Fifth Estate began almost 50 years ago during the last great challenge to capitalist rule and played an important role, as did hundreds of other such publications, of bringing news and ideas to the revolutionary movement.

We’re ready for another such engagement. Please read the succeeding essays and see if you think they apply to what’s ahead.

You DIDN’T MISS AN ISSUE. This issue is designated Spring 2012. You have not missed an issue as there was no Winter edition. These designations have mostly to do with the pricing code on the cover and newsstand sales. For librarians, archivists, and readers trying to keep track of what we’ve published, please check the number on page three, #386 for this one, and you can follow the sequence.

As usual, you would not be holding this publication if it wasn’t for generous donations, subscribers, and distro points. Plus, we thank our writers, artists and photographers who donated their talents to make this an attractive issue.

Note to subscribers using PayPal: their policy is to automatically renew your subscription yearly. Our publishing schedule does not provide four issues in a calendar year, so, you are being re-subscribed earlier than required. This is not our policy.

Note on Fedele Spadafora  Fedele Spadafora, whose art appears on pages 5, 24 and 42 of our print edition, is an American painter whose figurative work deals with contemporary urban themes. His work is influenced by sources as diverse as the Renaissance, popular culture, and his deep ethnic roots.

He currently lives in New York City where he continues his painting. His current work is based on the human figure and draws its inspiration from the art of the great masters.

His web site is fedelespadafora.net/