Masturbation as DIY Sex

A Tribute to Onan


Fifth Estate # 384, Spring, 2011

Why does the acceptance of masturbation seem to threaten the very foundation of our social structure? Could it be that independent orgasms might lead to independent thoughts? An effective way to keep a population docile and easy to manipulate is by prohibiting childhood masturbation, insisting on the procreative model of sex, upholding marriage and monogamy, withholding sex information, making birth control difficult, trying to end abortion, criminalizing prostitution, condemning homosexuality, censoring sexual entertainment and denying the existence of sexual diversity. That makes everyone a sexual sinner.

Ever wonder why sex with ourselves isn’t viewed with any pride? My speculation is, we’re a nation of brainwashed romantic-love junkies hooked on a myth that promises us passionate orgasms forever from our very own Prince or Princess Charming. Romance is the drug that leads to monogamous pair bondage that erodes sexual desire. By the time most of us figure it out, children, property or finances keep us glued together as sexual pleasure diminishes or disappears altogether. Take heart. Partner-sex gets better the minute we start improving our own self-loving practices. Start by seeing masturbation as a sexual meditation, and practice regularly for an hour or more. Breathing, move your pelvis like Elvis.

Although orgasm is a nervous-system function that operates without conscious control, your joyful rhapsody can be extended by building up sexual tension, and right after orgasm, not stopping. Sex energy is the life force, and my body doesn’t care if it’s me with my electric vibrator and a dildo, or a lover’s tongue, hand or penis. An orgasm is an orgasm is an orgasm.

Once we embrace masturbation, we can have all the sex we want on our own terms with someone we love who will never abandon us.

–from Masturbation Manifesto by Betty Dodson