Own a Richard Mock original linocut print and support the Fifth Estate


Fifth Estate # 381, Summer-Fall 2009

The late Richard Mock’s linocut art has been featured in the Fifth Estate and other anarchist publications for many years including after his death in 2006 at age 61. His work also appeared on the Op-Ed pages of The New York Times and was the featured art cover for a United Nations magazine with world-wide circulation. Several museums hold his paintings and prints as well. Mock was named the official portrait painter of the 1980 Olympics. Richard left us with the originals of the art that has appeared in these pages since 2002. We’re pleased to offer the 17″ by 14.5″ original linocut on the previous page for the price of $250 unframed. Richard’s Prints have sold for as much as $2000, but although a signed edition, this is an unnumbered Test Print and marked T.P. as is the custom in such work.

Our friend and comrade’s commitment to libertarian ideas and its press can continue to assure our financial stability and give a unique and quality piece of art to an interested party. Other original prints previously on our covers and pages, including signed and numbered ones, are available, and can be seen upon request. Framing is also available. Please contact us via the email or postal address on page three.