The Fifth Estate Celebrates Ursula K. LeGuin

"True Voyage is Return"


Fifth Estate # 381, Summer-Fall 2009

To honor Ursula K. LeGuin’s 80th year on the planet, the FE’s next edition will explore the intersection of utopian, feminist, ecological, Taoist, and anti-authoritarian ideas in her prolific catalog of novels, poems, and essays.

The centerpiece of this issue will be a reprint of LeGuin’s 1989 essay “A Non-Euclidean View Of California As A Cold Place To Be” featuring a new introduction by John Clark. Clark writes: “LeGuin poses the question of whether our voyage to the elsewheres of the past or the nowheres of fiction can lead us to regain certain lost qualities of mind and abandoned sensibilities, so that we may be once again able to experience reality more intensely, and care about it more passionately, as it manifests itself precisely where we are.”

For more information about this issue, to make a last-minute contribution, or to order a bundle of copies, please contact us.