Hilberry Theatre Fall Program


Fifth Estate # 38, September 15-30, 1967

Five new productions, including three classics and two contemporary plays, will be featured at the Hilberry Classic Theatre during its Wayne State University Centennial season of repertory.

A revival of last year’s record-breaking success, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” will be performed in the fall.

Hilberry’s fifth year of repertory, which officially opens January 10, will be headed by two Shakespeare plays—”Hamlet” and “Twelfth Night.” The other classic is Georges Feydeau’s “A Flea in Her Ear,” a French farce now being revived in this country and abroad.

The contemporary works, both from the present decade, are John Whiting’s “The Devils,” based on Aldous Huxley’s “The Devils of Loudon,” and Jean Anouilh’s “Becket,” a dramatization of the friendship between Henry II and Thomas Becket.

The “Midsummer Night’s Dream” revival will open with three matinee performances October 4, 6 and 11 at 2:30 p.m. Evening performances will begin October 13 and 14 at 8:30 p.m. and will continue through December 9. In addition, a limited number of previews of new productions will be performed.