Call For Submissions


Fifth Estate # 379, Fall, 2008

Call For Submissions For Fifth Estate #380 (Winter-Spring 2009)


This winter, Fifth Estate seeks to put out good reading for hibernation. Work that focuses on underground political, cultural and social activity as well as subtextual analysis. We seek discussion on how radicals and everyday folks subvert the dominant culture in a meaningful way. We seek analysis on the unspoken meanings of current social, economic, semiotic and political phenomena such as the environmental crisis and the Green Scare, bio-ethical decisions, entertainment, gender, institutionalized violence. We seek to examine the parts we play in subjection and subjugation This winter we seek to exhume the churchyard and provide readers with an invisible choir that will sing audibly and precisely about the hidden meanings of things.

New Deadline: Nov. 15th, 2008

Send proposals etc. to

fe – at – fifthestate – dot – org

or to

Fifth Estate,
P.O. Box 201016
Ferndale, MI 48220