Editorial: End of the Worldism

[but not the end for us]


Fifth Estate # 376, Halloween, 2007

This issue arrives late, but we think you’ll find it worth the wait. We published 1 last in March 2007, but our plans for timely Summer and Fall issues faltered due to a lack in finances and in our issue-editor’s free time. But unlike some publications that have recently ceased operations, we’re as motivated as ever, which should be self-evident from the articles and art in our “End of the Worldism” edition.

When we recently sent out a subscription renewal letter and fund appeal, readers responded magnificently. We are always grateful for a remittance of the base price of $10 and appreciate that great numbers of you added an extra dollar or two, or fifty, or one hundred! Our gratitude is only outweighed by our sense that this response comes from the basic anarchist principle of mutual aid. From your renewals and contributions, we know that you want this magazine to continue publishing, and you have our assurance that we have every intention of doing so.

Fundraising benefits for FE took place in New York City, Detroit, and Tucson. These gatherings brought people together around a poetry reading in one, music and performance in another, and a tamale party in the third. This face-to-face meeting of people with similar views and a desire to support a project gave the efforts even more meaning.

All aspects of funding came together to make this issue possible-subscription renewals, donations, Sustainer contributions, benefits, and book sales. But this only takes care of this issue. Our next three editions are already in the preparation stages, but each will face the same funding problems such as increased costs for printing and mailing. To the extent you are able, please help keep this country’s longest running, English language anarchist publication alive by participating in one of the above activities.

Publication schedule

After an internal reality check, we decided to rethink the quarterly schedule we’ve maintained since 2002. For 2008, we have three issues planned, with themes on Escape, Money, and Play. See page nine for our call for articles and art for each of them.


These folks (who really aren’t your Pals or ours!) now allow you to make electronic remittances for subscriptions, donations, or bulk payments. See links online.