Calls for Contributions

FE wants YOU!


Fifth Estate # 376, Halloween, 2007

Issue #377

Publication date: Early 2008

Issue theme: ESCAPE!

Prisoners. Deserters. Divorcees. Vacationers. Junkies. Exile, exodus, emigration, and escape velocity. Shelters, sanctuaries, and safe-houses. Escaping consequences, escaping responsibility, and escaping attention. Escape to or escape from? Is escapism helpful or harmful? Is it useless to try to escape? We seek original, critical, and analytical assessments of theory and practice of escape, as well as essays, articles, and artwork on general themes.

Deadline: December 31

Please query us soon. Send inquiries to fe AT fifthestate DOT org

Snailmail: PO Box 201016, Ferndale, MI 48220

Issue #378

Publication date: Late Spring 2008

Issue theme: MONEY

The ultimate representation; the symbol of all that is alienated in the modern world; the driving force of pathological greed; the whip that coerces wage labor; the basis of wars. Ten million millionaires world-wide control $37.2 trillion dollars in financial assets assuring a planet of immiseration for billions of people. We seek articles, anecdotal or analytical, short fiction and nonfiction, and art, on theme of the role money plays in our individual and collective economic lives, as well as essays, articles, and artwork on general themes.

Deadline: January 31 for proposals.

Send inquiries to fe AT fifthestate DOT org

Snailmail: PO Box 201016, Ferndale, MI 48220