To Our Readers


Fifth Estate # 374, Winter 2007

Without you reading what we struggle to write and creatively present, there obviously would be no point in our effort. And, without the generous financial support many of you give, we wouldn’t be able to publish at all!

We’re at a critical period for print publications. All daily papers are reporting declines in their readership (of course, in their case, it’s probably desirable), and many radical and anarchist papers are either cutting back on their publication schedule because of financial difficulties, or note no increase in their circulation at a time when the empire is functioning at a particularly vicious level.

So, thank you for reading what has taken a lot of labor to produce; thank you for your financial contributions and subscribing, and thanks for remaining engaged in the resistance to the awful state of affairs the world is in.

You can help even more by sending in an early subscription renewal, making a contribution to our Spring 2007 edition, donating to our prisoner and GI fund (let’s see those soldier revolts begin to occur!), becoming an FE Sustainer, ordering from our book service from this issue or at the FE web site, or, holding a fundraiser in your area.

If you’re interested in the latter and want papers to distribute at such an event, let us know. Also, back issues are available singly or in bulk (write for rates).

But thanks to us all, and may resistance grow to revolutionary proportions in this year.