No Border Camp

Calexico/Mexicali, Fall, 2007


Fifth Estate # 374, Winter 2007

As long as the US/Mexico border has existed, people have been struggling against it. It is a highly militarized, violent boundary marking an internal space of strict migration controls while allowing for unrestricted movement of capital and wealth. This border exists in a global context of apartheid borders and restriction of movement. For years around the world people have been tearing down fences, freeing detainees and fighting for the rights of migrant people. A global movement against borders and migration controls is rising. One of many tactics in this movement is the no border camp–a space for direct action and building community. Join us for a transnational no border camp on the Mexico/US border.

We are currently an informal network of groups and individuals on both sides of the border. We are planning a transnational no border action camp for the fall of 2007, in the region of Calexico and Mexicali. The PGA hallmarks are the basic points of unity for the mobilization.

The camp is intended to be a spectacular intervention in a discourse that at times ignores, and at other times justifies, the systematic violence, indignity and exploitation experienced by migrants in this country. The mobilization will bring many of us together in one place to share and learn. It is of equal importance to us that this not be just one isolated event that lasts a few days in one specific location. We view this mobilization as a process. It is a process of creating an anti-capitalist network for freedom of movement. For this mobilization to be a success, groups and individuals from a diversity of locales and experiences must make this project their own. We hope that others see this as an opportunity to build a platform from which this struggle can be demonstrated and articulated.

Several regional gatherings are currently being planned. Send inquiries to nobordercamp – at – gmail – dot – com

Plans for this mobilization came out of the ongoing process of forming the deletetheborder network and the “Roots of Resistance” camp hosted by the organic collective in San Diego in September 2006.

see also:
Solidarity, Immigration and Border Regimes
by Onto, Fifth Estate #374, Winter 2007