Call for Submissions

for Fith Estate Issue 375, Spring, 2007


Fifth Estate # 374, Winter 2007


The word apocalypse, counter to centuries of disinformation, does not refer to the end of the world. The word’s actual meaning is “uncovering” — a revelation of truths that are concealed from the majority of the human population. This spring we suggest a rebirth of understanding about the world around us-through revelation.

We are seeking articles that put, in a cultural, philosophical, political, and literary context, trends, and events that are occurring in secret, and also those that exist in plain sight and are accepted as normative, even mundane ideas or activities. We are looking for a critical look at a variety of issues, which requires research, speculation, and personal experience. In other words this issue seeks to answer, with as much clarity as possible the question “But what does it mean?” — the question that is left when we have covered the who, what, when, where, why. Our objective in asking this question is in part to slow down the pace at which each new trend, or conception, driven largely by technology and business culture, is accepted rather than analysed. We are interested in revealing, uncovering, excavating, digging, and growing resistance from the compost of mass mediated malaise. We are particularly interested in articles about the varied responses (social, artistic, linguistic, scientific, political, material, and escapist) to the highly militarized, corporate, and technologized era in which we live. We seek articles that highlight the varied human responses to delusion and concealment.

Deadline: February 15, 2007