Voices from the Inside


Fifth Estate # 372, Spring 2006

The two publications to the right [in the print edition] and dozens more anarchist, feminist, abolitionist and prisoner zines are available from: South Chicago ABC Zine Distro, P.O. Box 721, Homewood, IL 60430; write for a catalog.

They Will Never Get us All — Harold Thompson

They Will Never Get Us All!, Harold H. Thompson, 2006, 50 pp., order from: Friends of Harold H. Thompson, 711 E. Holly St. PMB #748, Bellingham, WA 98225, send $3-7 (sliding scale) well concealed cash

This booklet of short musings and poems can all be read quickly, but its diverse messages of social and political commentaries will reverberate in your head for weeks to come. Harold has been incarcerated in Tennessee for the past 20 years, but this hasn’t imprisoned his mind. As he says, “A quest for intellectual growth is a continual, ongoing, lifelong pursuit.” And, his altruistic, anarchist analyses are proof that an ever evolving mind can grasp and relay universal truths even though the body is in a locked-down environment.

His words brought tears to these seeker’s eyes, and more motivation to my walk. Harold’s thesis is that constitutionally guaranteed rights not granted to the incarcerated are the first step to fascist dictates and is akin to canary die-offs warning the wage-slaves toiling underground. He equates censorship of anarchist thought to mind control, systematized. It is the Idea that is feared by those who wield control.

In one essay, he points out how the state thrives on inducing the fear factor into the domestic populace and needs to create a constant adversary to justify usurpation of rights and trillions on weaponry and subjugations, spent and wasted. We’re supposed to be continuously menaced by Nazis, Japs, Gooks, drugs and Arabs in that chronological order.

In a chapter about Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay torture sites, he examines why such exposes comes as a big surprise to the public when the same treatment of prisoners has been happening in U.S. prisons for a long time. A desensitized public just looks the other way and is satiated by the cult of consumerism.

In another of Harold’s writings, he deals with what to do if subjected to arrest. Basically, remain silent, never answer any questions, don’t incriminate yourself or others and don’t fall for orchestrated ploys. Furthermore, he urges people not to surrender their firearms. We must be able to defend ourselves from the state and the far right militias.

Heartcheck — Jeff “Free” Luers and Rob Los Ricos

Heartcheck, Jeff “Free” Luers and Rob Los Ricos, 36 pp., Friends of Free, P.O. Box 3, Eugene, OR 97440, 2005, $5

The contents and title of this zine emanate from the U.S. Gulag-Archipelago.

It means to have enough conviction in your heart and content of your being to take action for your beliefs. As terra oscillates to the hot-house end of the spectrum because of modern culture’s greed (plus apathy,) multiple species are forced to migrate, compensate or just obliterate. This zine is a call to action for the millions who profess outrage against this contrived system of exploitation.

The chapters alternate between these two dedicated soldiers and I found Free’s to be more symbiotic with other modes of protest. Rob’s message to other anarchists is to put down that beer, pen, stapler, outreach table and move decisively in the real world. He rants against “heads full of theories and lines devoid of actions.” But, de-emphasized is the clout of choice–either through lifestyles, purchases or boycotts. Diversity of resistance is a given as not all of us reside in the Pacific Northwest or are under the age of 30. I’ve met many activist grannies aghast at G.O.P. atrocities.

“The U.S. state and the wealthy class will never surrender their corrupt power and capital without a fight. Over the last two centuries, the National Guard and army have been used by the government to squash dissent and only the unified masses will be able to stand up to the state. Divided by race, class or ideologies, the long anticipated toppling will falter. Recognizing and sharing our individual skills, teachings, organizing and coordinating a functional model for social transformation are the ways to nurture our mutual dream: a world beyond state-craft, capitalism, exploitations and greed,” says Jeff.

During the last chapters, physical fitness and specific tactics for street demonstrations are described. These explain exercises which are useful for increasing your stamina to the logistics of reconnaissance.

Let’s help these Earth liberators activate this evolutionary time-line for future generations and ours.