

Fifth Estate # 37, September 1-15, 1967

Unclassifieds cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words. Abbreviations should be sensible).

DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line.


The Fifth Estate 1107 W. Warren, Detroit 48201 phone 831-6800

Want photos Detroit riots. Payment on publication. Mail with return envelope to Angry Arts, 902 N. La Jolla, Los Angeles, 90046.

PSYCHO-OP-TICS…Create color psychedelic wall and ceiling effects in your pad. Easy and inexpensive. Instructions and graphic kit, send $1.00 to Hoove, Box 49046 L.A. California.

Young writer seeks poems and short stories from others, for book. No payment, stamped, self-addressed for return. Grasshopper Gazzette, 3822 W. 13 Mile, Apt. B, Royal Oak, Mich. 48072.

Wanted, desperately, A copy of Lenny Bruce’s last record LENNY BRUCE STRIKES BACK (recorded on Philles records) Call Emil c/o TLE 831-6840.

“Remember! The Girl who is Waiting for you
Give her a Square Deal Keep Clean”
WWI V.D. Poster 16 x 20 Send $1 and 25 cents Postage & Handling, 1111 W. Canfield #1797 Detroit, Mich. 48201

Beatle Paul McCartney interviewed in Special Back Issue of 5th Estate. Send 15 cents to 5th Estate, 1107 W. Warren, Det.

Dave—Congratulations and don’t let it happen again. That will teach you not to leave that guitar alone for so long. Patricia.

Next time you TURN ON, use a brass hash pipe. $1.50 from Morgan-Love, Box 551, N.Y. N.Y. 10003. Catalog 25 cents. Dealer inquiries invited.

Trombone. Like used (but affectionately). Areal King 2B Silversonic (which means it has a sterling silver, mellow sounding bell). Around $100 (how around all depends, but pretty around). Case and 3 mouthpieces included. Call 831-5992 after 6:00 p.m. weekdays, anytime Saturday or Sunday.

For information on Starting a Sexual Freedom League write Box 14102, San Francisco, California 94114.

Isis, Zeus, Pan-paganism revisited. Write for Julian Review, 5036 N. Landis, Baldwin Park, Cal. Stamped addressed envl. for reply.

WANTED: portable typewriter in good condition. $25 top price. Contact Cathy West, c/o Fifth Estate. 831-6801.

END THE WAR NOW!! High school students meet at 1:30 p.m., Mondays, at 1101 West Warren, Detroit. Help us build a nation-wide anti-war movement!!

Read some of the violent letters that Horseshit Magazine gets. Look up our display ad in this issue. They’re different.

To the maintenance crew at Old Main: be careful which grass you cut. Seeds are precious!

If you’ve got a portable stereo, tape recorder or radio you don’t want, I do. P. Klees, 3074 Tillman, Detroit 48216.

Fifth Estate Staffer needs groovy furniture for new apartment. Call 833- 2532.

FOR SALE—3 horses. Well trained. Call 873-7445

Attention Swingers. Join the “69” Club. Write Zema, 612 E. Rowland, Madison Heights.

END THE WAR POSTERS 50 cents each. 1101 W. Warren 832-5700.

The cigarette manufacturers of America are using grass in their tobacco. Support your local tobacco head—he may one day be your only source. H. Keyes

WANTED: Girl to share pad. Must like photography and flying. Please write: 3711 W. Broadway, Pheonix, Arizona.

I’d like to buy a rocking chair. Contact Cathy at the Fifth Estate.

For Sail, ’66 Mini-Cooper “S”. Has roll bar partially installed 3 new SP41s. May pay off. Call 261-3517 and ask for Tom.

Quality recording facilities available on exp. co-op basis. Two track demo tapes produced at cost. Call Spike-Drivers 873-7305.

Trumpet player looking for gigs Call. Cliff 9:00 to 3:00, 833-1989

POSTER and button distributors needed. Have all fast moving mdse. Plenty of customers in your area Platt Mfg. Co., 420 So. Los Angeles St., Los Angeles, Calif. Phone 628- 4065.

UP-TIGHT WITH THE DRAFT? If you are threatened, worried, or faced with the Selective Service System do not leave your fate to chance or listen to the advice of friends. Go to an expert, free draft counselor. Central Methodist Church, Sundays, 8-10 p.m. All welcome.

GIRLS—Z S & A sin service. You name the game, we take the blame. WRITE C.B.W.A., 612 E. Rowland, Madison Heights, Michigan

Models needed. Young photographer desires girls with good figures for model work. Will discuss salary. Call TO 6-2618 before 1:00 p.m. or after 8:00 p.m.

1966 Honda. 305 Super Hawk. Excellent condition. MUST SELL. 833-8839.

FOR MEN Gag cards, the hottest anywhere. Sample package and wholesale prices: .75 and stamp. Hobbycraft. 7 10th st., Greer, S.C. 29651

Dan’l: keep in touch…Cathy.

Student activest needs stove and refrigerator so he can eat. Can pay small amount would prefer gift. Call John Hawksley 644-9169.

Tarot Prints—Complete set of the 22 Greater Trumps, poster size to color or paint in the traditional symbology of Tarot. Send $6.00 to Ra Publications 1222 18th St. San Francisco, Calif. 94107 Dealers Inquire.

Esoteric guitar lessons in the realms of folk, rock, blues, raga, banjo. Sid Spikedriver, 873-7305.

Strobe light for rent. Call 834-4904.

ENTRIALS 4. $1.00 (10 cents postage) 283 E. Houston St. NYC. Last issue edited by Bloom before imprisonment. Bukowski, Blazek, Norse, Wantling, reviews, fiction, art, more.


Sandals—Sandals—Sandals Hand Made, 864-0370 or 546-8146

Hey! $25 REWARD for information leading to the recovery of a dark brown Martin (Model 0017) guitar taken from my car on Plum St., July 22nd. Call: Karl at TI 6-0256

Hand made sandals—$10 $14. One fitting required. Guaranteed work. Mike, 832-4261, or 4328 Commonwealth.

The Huichol (wee—chool) Indians ceremonial quasi-patterned, super colored peyote tote bag’s mind blowing yarn drawings, God’s Eye roach holders, imported from the jungles of the central Mexican highlands. Color poster catalogue with retail dealer prices. Send 25 cents to: Highlands, P.O. Box 596, Venice, Calif. 90291.

Freelance decorative design; ads, posters, illustrations. C. keelan 871-1882.

Trans-Love Energies for hire: Mimeographing, editing, writing, publishing services (John and Dave Sinclair); custom sandal-making (Pun); art-work, designs, posters, advertising flyers (Gary Grimshaw); photography of all kinds (Magdalene Sinclair, Emil Bacilla); also handy man work jobs, house—painting, moving, etc. We need money! Also lectures, poetry readings, rock and jazz music, discussions—we can do all that for money! Trans-Love Energies, 4863 John Lodge, Detroit, also at 923 Plum Street, 2nd floor—evenings and weekends.

R.V.R.—what happened to the court case? Kate.

Mack—Hurry up and send for mom—I want to see Seattle Too.

Sex-starved anti-war student would like to meet another sex-starved anti-war student. Meet at 1101 W. Warren, 1:30 p.m. Mondays, High School students only, please, unless you’re desperate.

Wanted: ’64-’66 VW, Sunroof preferred. $100 down possible. P. Klees, 3074 Tillman Det., 48216

MUSIC LESSONS GUITAR—all styles. Also violin and mandolin. Located near Wayne campus. I. Kirsch. 831-5266.

IWW (labor) ) SONGBOOKS 40 cents each, 5/$1.85 Capital, vol. 1 (Marx) $4 (authoritative Kerr edition). C. Doehrer, P.O. Box 592 Chicago, Illinois 60690

FOR SALE: 8 mm movie projector—$60. Armchair—$8. Electric alarm clock—$2. Electric tooth brush—$4. 2-pc. luggage-$8. TV—$15. Call Sharon 9-5, 832-5700.

3 acre farm (at least) wanted. 2 story house on lot and large barn. Reply by mail to Box FW, 1107 W. Warren, Detroit, 48201

Dear Fox Body: Happy Year Sept. 15. Love, Doug (W.P.)