How Should we Support our Men in Vietnam?


Fifth Estate # 37, September 1-15, 1967


1. More and more bombing, including population centers. More and more napalm. More and more poisoning chemicals. More and more U.S. troops.

2. Forced hat-in-hand negotiations. Ignore the Geneva accords. Permanent U.S. control of South Vietnam. Terms which the Vietnamese can never accept.

3. In other words, BRING OUR MEN HOME—IN BOXES!!


1. Immediate unconditional halt of all bombing in North and South Vietnam, followed by a cease-fire on the ground.

2. Implementation of the Geneva agreements, which forbid foreign bases in Vietnam and require prompt withdrawal of all foreign troops. True self determination for the Vietnamese.

3. In other words, BRING OUR MEN HOME—ALIVE!!


GENERAL MATTHEW B. RIDGEWAY Commander of U.S. forces during the Korean War, writing in Look magazine, 5 April 1967.

“It Is my firm belief that there Is nothing in the present situation or In our code that requires us to bomb a small Asian nation back into the stone age.”

BRIG. GENERAL WILLIAM WALLACE FORD Writing to the Editor of The New York Times, 27 April 1967 (published 3 May 1967).

“The time has come, however, to strike down the implications that whoever does not follow blindly and uncomplainingly in the steady expansion of this war is somehow unpatriotic. Stalwart heroes of the Army and of West Point, who also learned well the motto ‘Duty, Honor, Country,’ have counseled against a land war in Asia. One thinks of MacArthur, of Ridgeway, of Gavin. There are others.

“I volunteered in World War 1 and served every day in that war, every day in World War II, and every day during the Korean War. If called, I am quite ready to serve again. This does not release me from the duty, nor deny me the right, of trying to keep my country on a provident and enlightened course.

BRIG. GENERAL HUGH B. HESTER Writing to Chicago Veterans for Peace in Vietnam, 8 May, 1967.

“I oppose the Vietnamese War now, not only because it Is being waged in violation of the U.S. Constitution and U.S. treaty obligations under the U.N. Charter, but also because it is In violation of the basic interests of the American people. The Vietnam War is not a war of self-defense or even of general self-interest….This is an illegal, immoral and wholly unnecessary war.”


The billions being spent to destroy and kill can well be spent for constructive purposes and yet your increasing tax dollars support this war whether you like it or not.

The same reasoning that leads the Administration to rely on violence to achieve its goal of “pacification” in Vietnam extends even into our own cities where violence and frustration are visited upon the underprivileged of our society. Why should Johnson be appalled at the exercise of police force at home when he sanctions violence as the basis of his foreign policy?

Our government can stop this senseless killing now. Make your protest known in every way you can.

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Vietnam Veterans denounce the war they fought in New York, 15 April 1967. Photo by Ted Reich.

REAR ADMIRAL ARNOLD E. TRUE Writing to the Editor of the Palo Alto (Calif.) Times, 3 March 1966.

“We can end the Vietnam fiasco without dishonor by (1) dealing with the Vietcong as a major party to the war, (2) implement the Geneva Accords, (3) withdrawing our troops and (4) letting the Vietnamese settle their own problems…

“General Ky is naturally willing to fight to the last American soldier and the last American dollar. It is about time that Americans should make their own decisions and stop blabbing about ‘commitments’ and saying ‘it is up to Hanoi’.”

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