Contents of print edition


Fifth Estate # 367, Winter 2004-2005


Class & Solidarity 15

Intro to Economics 16

Last Ticket to Utopia 17

Political Economy, Perennial Economy: Marx, Thoreau, & Us 18

Land & Liberty 22

Refusing The Marketplace 24

Communalism of Desire 26

Pastoral Letter 28

Give it Away 32

Burning Man 33

Wildcat Reprint 34

Nietzsche & The Anarchists 36

News, Reviews, etc.

Election Reflection 5

Haymarket Memorialized 7

Mutinies 8

Zero Tolerance 10

CrimethInc on the RNC 12

Renewing the Anarchist Tradition 14

New Mumia Abu-Jamal book review 38

Lucy Parsons review 40

Miscellaneous reviews 41

Letters 42

Anarchist Calendars 44

Bookstore In The Barn 45

In the last year, two of our contributors greeted new family members. The FE collective would like to welcome to the world Benjamin Franklin Crutchfield (born 4.15.2004) and Henry Eric Boyer (born 9.16.2004). Anarchy is natural, everything else is learned!