We Are Celebrating 40 Years of Publishing



Fifth Estate # 366, Fall, 2004

Image, Celebrating 40 years of publishing - Issue 366, Fall, 2004 - Fifth Estate MagazineThe Fifth Estate is the longest publishing, anti-authoritarian, English language publication in US history. Next year, we will celebrate our 40th birthday…maybe!

Due to rising printing and postage costs, our future is in jeopardy if we don’t come up with several thousand dollars within the next two months. We are planning a special 100 page bound edition and a national tour to celebrate our fortieth anniversary, but you may be holding our last issue if we don’t solve our financial difficulties immediately.

What you can do:

* Subscribe today! Subscribers are the backbone of our readership.

* Buy a subscription for a friend or for your local library or info shop.

* Donate whatever you can. Even five dollars pays for a free GI or prisoner subscription.

* Become a Fifth Estate Sustainer. By contributing a regular sum, you receive the paper by First Class mail and ensure our survival. Contact us for information.

* Buy books from our Bookstore in a Barn; see bookstore page.

* Distribute the FE at local events. Contact us for information.

* Hold a benefit for the paper. We’ll be glad to assist.

Help us ensure the FE will celebrate 40 years of rebellion.

Send donations to Fifth Estate, POB 201016, Ferndale MI 48220; fe–at–fifthestate–dot–org. Please make checks to: Fifth Estate.

The Fifth Estate (FE) is published four times per year by a volunteer collective of writers, artists, and editors for whom this project is part of a life dedicated to opposing injustice. We usually reach a general consensus about what articles to publish but rarely agree about every perspective contained within those same articles.

No copyright. No paid staff.

No paid advertisements.

Detroit Collective & Subscription Office

PO Box 201016

Ferndale, MI 48220

Tennessee Collective & Fifth Estate Books

PO Box 6

Liberty, TN 37095

