The Barn

Infoshop, Bookstore and Clubhouse


Fifth Estate # 364, Spring, 2004

Send check, money order, or well concealed cash to:

Fifth Estate Books
PO Box 6
Liberty, TN 37095

Please add $2 shipping/handling for first item, $1 for the second and subsequent one, etc…

Thanks for your recent order!

Most book and CD purchases come with a surprise sampling of current zines and radical propaganda.

When you order books from the Barn, you support a collective and help keep the Fifth Estate physical space open. With your help, we’re trying to sustain an alternative to the commercialism of retail or web-based booksellers.

Looking for an off-the-path place for your band to gig this summer? Are you an English, philosophy, history, or political science major seeking college credit for supporting the revolution?

The Barn produces shows & offers a variety of live-work writing & research internships. Please write or call for more information. 615.536.5999


Bill Ayers
Fugitive Days (2001) $10

James Bell
The Last Wizards (2002) $5.00

Alexander Berkman
Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist $15.0(1
What Is Anarchism? $14.00

Hakim Bey
Millennium (1996) $8.00
Immediatism (1992) $10.00
T.A.Z.: The Temporary Autonomous Zone (1991) $8.00

Bureau of Public Secrets
Situationist International Anthology (1982) $15.00

Off the Map (2003) $3.00
Evasion (2001) $6.00
Days Of War, Nights Of Love (2001) $9.00

Curious George Brigade
Anarchy In the Age Of The Dinosaurs (2003) $6.00

Dark Star
Beneath the Paving Stones (2001) $15.00

G. Debord
Society of the Spectacle (1967) $5.00

Paul Garon
The Devil’s Son-in-Law: Peetie Wheatstraw (2003) $15.00 (w/CD)

Derrick Jensen
Listening to the Land (2002) $16.00

Judith Malina
Love & Politics (Black &Red, 2001) $5.00

Midnight Notes
Auroras Of the Zapatistas (2001) $14.00

Fredy Perlman
Against His-story, Against Leviathan (Black & Red 1983) $6.00

Dr. Ben Reitman
Sister of the Road: the Autobiography of Boxcar Bertha (2002) $15.00

Franklin Rosemont
Joe Hill: the IWW & the Making of a Revolutionary Working-class Counterculture (2002) $18.00

Webs of Power (2002) $18.00

Ron Sakolsky
Seizing The Airwaves AK Press $13.00
Surrealist Subversions (Autonomedia 2002) $23.00

Ron Sakolsky & James Koehnline
Gone To Croatan: Origins of North American Dropout Culture (Autonomedia) $14

Raul Vaneigem
Collection of Desires (no date) $10.00

William “Upski” Wimsatt
Bomb The Suburbs $12.00

David Watson
Beyond Bookchin: Preface for a Future Social Ecology ( Autonomedia/Black & Red 1996) $6.00
Against The Megamachine (1998) $14.00

Peter Lamborn Wilson
Pirate Utopias (Autonomedia) $10


The Layabouts
Workers of the World Relax (2001) $10

David Rovics
Return (2003)
Behind The Barricades: The Best Of David Rovics (2003)
Hang a Flag In the Window (2002)
Living in These Times (2001)

Peace Not War (2003) 2 CDs $15.00