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Fifth Estate # 363, Winter, 2003/2004

“Anarchists creating anarchy for the sake of anarchy”

In November 2003, the media took the myths about anarchists, anarchism, and anarchy to new heights.

The above quote comes directly from’ the multifaceted misinformation machine peddling out anti-protester propaganda. In this attempt to stigmatize the traveling radicals who went to Florida to resist the FTAA, the mainstream finally figured us out. Of course we desire anarchy for its own sake!

Too bad that the public hears this word and sees exactly the kind of violence and mayhem pushed on people everywhere by states and their police. It’s time to show the world that a cooperative, peaceful, and wild world is exactly the anarchy governments fear.



Coming soon: Issue Number 364

Theme: Elections, Conspiracies, & Other Radical Taboos

Deadline: February 1, 2004

Contributions are read by an editorial collective. Most writers participate in revising and editing their work for publication. We accept work by email and regular mail (plain text or MS Word attachments or disks preferred. Please write for more contributors guidelines.

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The Fifth Estate (FE) is an unincorporated, cooperative magazine published since 1965. As opposed to professionals who publish to secure wages or invest in the media information industry, our collective consists of volunteer writers, artists, and editors—friends who produce the paper as an expression of resistance to an unjust and destructive society.

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