2003 Radical Calendar


Fifth Estate # 362, Fall, 2003

Please send calendar events to the Fifth Estate, keeping in mind our quarterly schedule.

Deadline for the Winter 2003/04 edition is November 1.


PO Box 6

Liberty, TN 37095

Various dates, cities—Just say no to Dick and Bush Tour All along the west coast and throughout the rest of the country, as Bush travels around to raise funds, people are organizing to stop him. People are coming out for a myriad of reasons, protesting war, heckling the rich, and generally causing trouble. Contact your local Republican headquarters to target the fundraiser near you.

October 3-5—Anarchist People of Color Conference Detroit, MI. Wayne State University. People of Color only. For more info please see www.illegalvoices.org or contact APOC Conference c/o BANCO P.O. Box 19962 Kalamazoo, MI 49006. email: apoc@illegalvoices.org

October 10-12—Katuah Bioregional Gathering—at the Earthaven Ecovillage near Black Mountain, NC. For more info, please contact katuahbioregion@hotmail.com or Culture’s Edge, 1025 Camp Elliot Road, Black Mountain, NC 28711 or see www.earthaven.org

October 10-17—Global Justice Action Camp—Arcadia, Florida. The Action Camp will focus on building the links between global and local struggles and provide an opportunity for activists and organizers to prepare for inspiring nonviolent action against the globalization of racism, imperialism, economic exploitation and environmental degradation through the FTAA. For info, contact: The Ruckus Society, 369 15th Street, Oakland, CA 94612, phone: 510-763-7078, email: info@ruckus.org

October 25-26—Toronto Anarchist Bookfair at the 519 Church Street Community Centre. Videos, anarchist booksellers and organizations, workshops, anarcho-punk show on Saturday night. Everyone welcome. tab2003@ziplip.com

October 25—New Orleans Anarchist Bookfair—NO, LA. The annual celebration of muckraking and mischief for independent publishers and artists. Free and Open to the public. http://nolabookfair.com/

October 25—Mass March on Washington DC calling for an end to the occupation of Iraq and money for jobs, education & healthcare—not war. Sponsored by International ANSWER and other leftoids, but probably worth attending for action and networking.

November 17-21—Anti-FTAA actions in Miami, FL (561) 547-6686, sfglobaljustice@yahoo.com. For more info, check out: www.ftaaresistance.org or www.stopftaa.org

November 22-23—Vigil and Direct Action at School of the Americas. Join thousands from across the Americas at the gates of the U.S. military base Fort Benning in Georgia—home of the notorious School of the Americas (renamed Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation), where the US trains the military muscle that enforces the corporate agenda throughout Latin America. For more information, visit http://www.soaw.org


Six weeks of street theatre & tall puppetry building;

Five days of festive, puppet-filled marching;

Three days of uplifting anti-corporate protesting;


* This November, the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) Ministerial is holding closed conversations on community collapse, and conspiring for consecration of corporate conglomeration, in Miami, FL, Nov. 19th—21st, 2003.

* This Fall, the Free Circus Area of the Americas (FCAA) is holding public production of props and puppets, and prodigiously promoting people power, in Palm Beach County, FL, October 1st- November 14th, 2003.


The Lake Worth Global Justice Group will open a warehouse October 1st in Palm Beach County, 60 miles north of Miami. The purpose? To bring together community groups in South Florida by building props, puppets, bikes, things that flutter delicately in the wind, mobile stages and whatever else you can imagine.

This is a call out to socially conscious artists and art collectives to travel here and collaborate with us.

The Fine Print — We are a small bunch here in Lake Worth, but we would like to help house you, feed you, and get you a bike, if you are interested in participating. We love kids, so if you are a parent, bring the tykes along, too.

Palm Beach County is warm and toasty in November, with avocados and citrus as far as the eye can see.

Get In Touch ASAP. Lake Worth Global Justice Group: (561) 547-6686 or sfglobaljustice@yahoo.com

F.T.A.A. and the counter-mobilizations: www.stopftaa.org or www.ftaaresistance.org.

F.C.A.A.: http://home.bellsouth.net/p/pwp-onepinksock/