“Negotiation Now” Drive On


Fifth Estate # 36, August 15-31, 1967

A statewide Negotiation Now campaign, sponsored by the Metropolitan Detroit Chapter of Americans for Democratic Action, is now in operation at full speed, according to John A. Fillion, director of the campaign.

The Negotiation Now effort—sponsored nationally by prominent civic leaders, including John Kenneth Galbraith, Dr. Martin Luther King, and Victor Reuther—seeks to petition for new U.S. attempts to end the war in Vietnam in accordance with recommendations for settlement made by United Nations Secretary-General U Thant.

“At this point we have approximately 5,000 ‘Negotiations Now’ petitions distributed in the Detroit metropolitan area and another 5,000 outstate,” said Fillion. “There remain, however, thousands of people who have not seen it but who, if they did, would sign it.”

Others participating in the “Negotiation Now” drive are Professor Lynn Parsons of Wayne State University, Professor Albert Malstrom of the University of Detroit, Miss Cynthia Conway of Detroit, Mrs. Irene Murphy of Birmingham, Mr. Harry Meserve of Grosse Pointe, and Dr. Henry Hitt Crane, former pastor of Central Methodist Church in Detroit.