

Fifth Estate # 359, Winter, 2002-2003

Fifth Estate

FIFTH ESTATE #359, Winter, 2002-2003, Vol. 37, No. 4

The Fifth Estate (FE) is a cooperative, nonprofit project, publishing since 1965. As opposed to professionals who publish to secure wages or invest in the information industry, our collective consists of volunteer writers, artists, and editors—friends who produce the paper as an expression of resistance to an unjust and destructive society.

The FE (ISSN # 0015-0800) is published quarterly. Subscriptions are $10 for four issues; $18 for international, including Canada. No copyright. No paid advertisements.

Detroit Collective/Subscription Office

PO Box 201016, Ferndale, MI 48220

Tennessee Collective/Editorial Office

PO Box 6, Liberty, TN 37095

(615) 536-5999