Active Transformation

Who we are


Fifth Estate # 355, Fall-Winter, 2000

Centerfold insert

Special Fifth Estate Convention Edition 2000

A Direct Action Anarchist Newspaper

Active Transformation is a direct action anarchist newspaper that has been publishing in whole and in part since 1993. Two separate collectives make up the newspaper collective, one in Detroit and the other in Lansing. We mainly focus on the institutions and social relationships that oppress us in our daily lives. From the prison industrial complex, to homophobia to capitalism – we try and cover it all. Our struggle for freedom is as diverse as our lives!

If you would like to get a subscription to A.T. write Active Transformation Newspaper at: PO Box 27164, Lansing, MI 48909-7164

Subs are $6 a year and free for those in prison. For sample copies please send $1. And for a bundle of 20 send $5.

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