A Schedule of Seattles Coming to Your Neighborhood


Fifth Estate # 354, Spring, 2000

April 9-17

Washington D.C. Days of Action for Global Economic Justice. Shut Down the IMF and World Bank, April 16. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank are meeting to expand their power over Third World nations’ economies. Information at www. 50years.org or call 202-IMF-BANK.

May 1

Mayday 2000: The Next Action Against Global Capitalism. World-wide. This traditional workers’ holiday was endorsed at the August 1999 Peoples Global Action Conference in India as an international day of action. Sydney, Toronto, London, Chicago, New York and Washington DC are already organizing. Send inquiries to mayday2k@email.com, or go to www.freespeech.org/mayday2k

May 5-7

California Wilderness Conference. Sacramento. Wilderness advocates will meet at California State University-Sacramento to celebrate and take action on behalf of the last wild places in the state. Contact CWC, 2655 Portage Bay East, Suite 5, Davis CA 530-758-0380; info@calwild.org.

May 19-21

Big Woods Earth First! Rendezvous. Minnesota. A three-day action on the shores of Lake Geneva in southern Minnesota. Workshops, tree climbing, tree sits, banner hangs, blockades, etc. Contact Big Woods EF!, POB 580936, Minneapolis MN 55458; 612-362-3387; ecoaction@geocities.com.

June 3-5

Protest the Organization of American States, Windsor, Ontario. Directly across the border from Detroit, Windsor will host an OAS meeting with speeches by Noam Chomsky and Carlos Fuentes. Protests outside. Contact the Bookroom, 2161 Wyandotte, W., Windsor ON N9B I K I, Canada; 519-258-2726.

June 10-11

Underground Publisher’s Conference. Bowling Green, Ohio. See News & Reviews, p. 22.