The Shoplifter’s Prayer


Fifth Estate # 351, Summer 1998

Image showing back-cover feature in Issue 351, The Shoplifter's PrayerMay the intercession of the glorious gift, o holy Thief, free us from the bitter commodity & deliver us from the spiritual anorexia of capitalism—

O my goddess of perpetual potlatch, protect us today & always from the police, the managers, the mirrors, the security guards & electronic surveillance devices! O perfect parasite, divine for us impunity & the imperfect passions of free abundance.

We supplicate thee lords of libertarian license that all our thoughts & actions may principally focus on the cause of international anarchist revolution by the intercession of our Saints Goldman, Berkman, Bakunin & beyond. Grant us the courage to take what is rightfully ours as we rip off the bosses, bureaucrats & businessmen at all times proper & favorable for the liberation of desire.

May we never submit to the will of the State as we eternally state our will to subvert the status quo until anarchy, ecstasy & chaos recreate the wild universe anew. Amen.

Caption for featured image

Women praying at an Islamic school in Jakarta, Indonesia for a solution to the country’s financial crisis.