

Fifth Estate # 35, August 1-15, 1967

Send to: The Fifth Estate, 1107 W. Warren, Detroit, Mich. 48201, phone 831-6800

Unclassified costs 50 cents per line per week. Figure 5 words per line. A word is a word, including I and 2 letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words. Abbreviations should be sensible.

(No limit on number of lines)

All unclassified must be paid in advance by mail or Personal delivery.

BETSY EPSTEIN: NEED YOU – baby. Call collect anytime. Freedom with or without home base. Daisies to you. —Mom and Dad

Mike and Duke of Plum: MAY come August 4th instead of 3rd.

Will sell Knight amplifier, tuner and speakers. Good quality, $170. 549-8045 after 7 p.m.

Lonely girl child would like to communicate with lonely boy child. Write to: Frenchie, 3169 Lyndon Ave., Flint, Mich. 48504.

FIFTH ESTATE ads work! Editor sold cycle with one unclassified after ad in NEWS produced only one call. They can work for you; use the form above.

1966 HONDA. 305 Super Hawk. Excellent condition. MUST SELL. 833-8839.

Young bachelor has 4 bedroom house. Wants 4 attractive, fun-loving girls and 3 other guys to share the home. Call VI 1-3454 between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. or write Jim, 233 Bayside, Detroit, and leave phone number.

Buttons, posters, diffraction jewels, BYM, Box 783, Berkeley, Calif. 94701.

UP-TIGHT WITH THE DRAFT? If you are threatened, worried, or faced with the Selective Service System do not leave your fate to chance or listen to the advice of friends. Go to an expert, free draft counselor. Central Methodist Church, Sundays, 8-10 p.m. All welcome.

Freelance decorative design; ads, posters, illustrations. C. Keelan 871-1882.


Singer Wanted for late August wedding. Call Brad at 673-2835 soon.

Wanted, desperately, A copy of Lenny Bruce’s last record LENNY BRUCE STRIKES BACK (recorded on Philles records) Call Emil c/o TLE 831-6840.

Wanted: used still camera (cheap) Emil TLE 831-6840

Next time you TURN ON, use a brass hash pipe. $1.50 from Morgan – Love, Box 551, N.Y., N.Y. 10003. Catalog 25 cents. Dealer inquiries invited.

Quality recording facilities available on exp. co-op basis. Two track demo tapes produced at cost. Call Spike-Drivers 873-7305.

Esoteric guitar lessons in the realms of folk, rock, blues, raga, banjo. Sid Spikedriver, 873-7305.

ENTRAILS 4. $1.00 (10 cents postage) 283 E. Houston St., NYC. Last issue edited by Bloom before imprisonment. Bukowski, Blazek, Norse, Wantling, reviews, fiction, art, more.

Strobe light for rent. Call 834-4904.

GOOD STUFF—10 cents from: The Mad Peck, Dept. C., Box 2307, Providence, R.I. 02906.

POSTER and button distributors needed. Have all fast moving mdse. Plenty of customers in your area. Platt Mfg. Co., 420 So. Los Angeles St. Los Angeles, Calif. St. 628-4065.