Direct Action Defense Fund


Fifth Estate # The Rumble, Issue 1

“As a movement It is essential that we do not abandon our brave comrades who place their own freedom second to those of the animals and Earth.”
— Rod Coronado

The Direct Action Defense Fund was established in direct response to the increased activities of groups such as the Animal and Earth Liberation Front’s and other individuals who have chosen the path to animal and earth liberation, It is critical to offer support (and bail) in the first few days after arrest to a captured warrior so that they can be better physically and psychologically prepared to launch a legal defense. The Direct Action Defense Fund recognizes that what is most important for the direct action warrior is to return to the battle for earth and animals as soon as possible.

But this fund can only offer its support if its coffers are not empty. 100 percent of all contributions are used to directly aid activists. It is not enough to voice our support, we must make that support real with action. Please contact and contribute to

Direct Action Defense Fund

P.O. Box 57357

Tucson AZ 85732-7357

(502) 795-5171