FE Announcements


Fifth Estate # 346, Summer, 1995

Los Angeles’ (De)Center is an autonomous, non-profit, collectively organized space providing access to anarchist ideas and culture, open daily 3-7pm. It offers hard to find anarchist and radical books, periodicals, zines, CDs and tapes and t-shirts. There are regular political events, a film series, and a Tuesday night coffeehouse. (De)Center is at 6122-1/2 N. Figueroa, Los Angeles CA 90042; phone (213) 344-7017.

The infoshop revolution is happening even up in Redwood Country! The Eureka (Calif.) Autonomy Infoshop at 510 3rd St., #1, features coffee, a meeting space, a reading room, a 24 headset listening system (!), workshops, poetry and free classes in such varied topics as solar cooking, provo bikes and aboriginal living skills. It’s open 1-7pm, Mon.-Thurs.

Far from the woods in the big, bad city, anarchists have opened the Blackout Bookstore and Info shop on Manhattan’s lower East Side. They carry a wide range of anti-authoritarian titles„publish a bi-weekly calendar of events, provide an in-store reading room and cheap access to computers and xeroxing. They need volunteers, welcome visitors, and would like donations of books and a second computer. Blackout is at 50 Ave. B, between 3rd and 4th Sts., New York NY 10009, and is open Sun.-Thurs., 10am-10pm and Fri. and Sat., 10am-Midnight. Call them at (212) 777-1967.

Massachusetts Earth First! is raising funds (and a bit of hell, they say) with a bumper sticker reading, “Earth: Love It Or Leave It.” Send $2 to EF!, POB 35, Montague MA 01351.

Bruce Kayton’s Manhattan “Radical Walking Tours” are continuing through the summer. He will be featuring tours of Wall Street which include the site of the 1920 massive anarchist bombing attack on J.P. Morgan and Co. and the first organized slave revolt in New York. Also, tours of the Lower East Side, Harlem, “Radical” Central Park and other areas which have a hidden history. Call for information on group or individual tours at (718) 492-0069.

The Prison Activist Resource Center, POB 3201, Berkeley CA 94703, is a project of Berkeley’s LongHaul, an activist community center and political library. PARC is coordinated and maintained by prison activists and legal workers and serves as an information clearinghouse for political prisoners, POW’s, prison abolition, control units, and AIDS in prison. They help other projects and assist in forming new ones.

PARC publishes “With The Power Of Justice In Our Eyes…”: A Handbook For Educators and Activists on the Crisis in Prisons, edited by Elihu Rosenblatt. It features essays from political prisoners such as Mumia Abu-Jamal and Standing Deer and a resource appendix with sample leaflets and fact sheets along with suggestions for actions. Send $12 (or $17 foreign) to the above address.

Columbus, Ohio Arawak City Autonomous Collective & Food Not Bombs has a newsletter with an extensive list of activities. Contact them at P.O. Box 10178, Columbus OH 43201 or call 614/261-7999.