Anarchist Summer


Fifth Estate # 342, Summer 1993

From July 29 to August 1, “The Frenzy” anarchist gathering is scheduled for Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Music, workshops and a good time are planned.

For more information, contact Frenzy / P.O. Box 119 / 1895 Commercial Drive / Vancouver, BC V5N 486 / Canada.

On the same weekend, there are plans for a Mid-Atlantic Anarchist Gathering to be held in Philadelphia, PA. Donations to cover anticipated expenses or inquiries for more information can be sent to 1993 Mid-Atlantic Anarchist Gathering / P.O. Box 31889 / Philadelphia, PA 19104.

The following weekend, Some Madison Anarchists will host a Great Lakes Regional Anarchist Gathering in Madison. The 4-day gathering beginning August 5th will include a “Special focus on Women and Anarchy, Day of art, Swimming Beach, Picnics and a Big Dinner, Bands, Tours of cooperatives” and a wide variety of workshops. Contact PO Box 173/ Madison, WI 53701-0173

The Denver Anarchist Youth Federation is planning a 3-day gathering of “music, demos and destruction” to coincide with a visit by the Pope on August 12-15. Contact the AYF at PO Box 8972, Denver, CO 80201 or call Ian at 303-237-6909.