Unclassified Ads


Fifth Estate # 34, July 15-31, 1967

Send to: The Fifth Estate, 1107 W. Warren, Detroit, Mich. 48201, phone 831-6800

Unclassified costs 50 cents per line per week. Figure 5 words per line. A word is a word, including I and 2 letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words. Abbreviations should be sensible. (No limit on number of lines)

All unclassified must be paid in advance by mail or Personal delivery.

GIRL wanted to do light housekeeping in exchange for FREE room and board. Must be young and good looking. Ask for Wayne, 863-8018.

POSTER and button distributors needed. Have all fast moving mdse. Plenty of customers in your area. Platt Mfg. Co., 420 So. Los Angeles St., Los Angeles, Calif. Phone 628-4065.

Young bachelor has 4 bedroom house. Wants 4 attractive, fun-loving girls and 3 other guys to share the home. Call VI 1-3454 between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. or write Jim, 233 Bayside, Detroit, and leave phone number.

Freelance decorative design; ads, posters, illustrations. C. Keelan 871-1882.

Hippy want job. Full time or part time. Call Bob 835-1871.

Horney young man wishes to meet horney young woman (in mid-20s) to lock horns for fun and profit. Call 261-3517 and ask for Tom or write PO Box 65, Garden City, 48135.

For Sail, ’66 Mini-Cooper “S”. Has roll bar partially installed 3 new SP41’s. May pay off. Call 261-3517 and ask for Tom.

Trombone. Like used (but affectionately). A real King 2B Silversonic (which means it has a sterling silver, mellow sounding bell). Around $100 (how around all depends, but pretty around). Case and 3 mouthpieces included. Call 8315992 after 6:00 p.m. weekdays, anytime Saturday or Sunday.

Next time you TURN ON, use a brass hash pipe. $1.50 from Morgan—Love, Box 551, N.Y., N.Y. 10003. Catalog 25 cents. Dealer inquiries invited.

ENTRAILS 4. $1.00 (10 cents postage) 283 E. Houston St., NYC. Last issue edited by Bloom before imprisonment. Bukowski, Blazek, Norse, Wantling, reviews, fiction, art, more.

Bike trash-girl 20, nice face, good personality, body like 20 miles of bad road seeks man. Boys need not apply. Write “Chopper”, 3469 Bedford, Detroit.

Outlaws—write where and price to bail Deke out. “friend,” 642 Lenox, Det.

GUARANTEED RELIEF 10 cents—The Mad Peck, Dept. C, Box 2307, Providence, R.I. 02906.

Buttons, posters, diffraction jewels, BYM, Box 783, Berkeley, Calif. 94701.

High school students: help end the war in Vietnam. Come to meetings of the High School Peace Mobilization every Mon., 1:00 p.m. at 1101 W. Warren at the Lodge X-way. All students welcome.

FIFTH ESTATE editor wants to sell ’65 Honda Superhawk only driven to paper office and home. Engine in perfect condition; body fair. Two new tires, front and rear. Will throw in a set of megaphone exhausts. $400. Call 831-6800 ’til 4 p.m.; after 6, call 872-3724 and ask for Peter.

Robert and Danie Crumb—Help—Please contact Bob and Maggie.

Trans-Love Energies Unlimited—All Kinds Work Done.
Mimeographing, Editing, Printing Consultation—John Sinclair, Tom Mitchell.
Sandals Made to Order—Pun.
Silkscreening—Carol McDonald.
Signs, Poster Design, other design work—Gary Grimshaw, Linda Carlson.
Photographing—Magdalene Sinclair.
Film—making Consultation, Photography, Projectionist—Emil Bacilla.
Psychedelic Wall Projections—Magic Veil Light Co. (Jerry & Ron).
Also house painting (two crews), odd job work, cleaning, light moving, etc. Strobe lights for rent $10 per night.
Artists’ Workshop Press books and magazines. Grande and Trans—Love posters by Grimshaw, Carlin, Carlson.
Rock and jazz bands for hire—MC—5, Billy C. and the Sunshine, Seventh Seal, Charles Moore Ensemble.
Call one number—831-6840 in Detroit—ask for information.

Starting a national anti-war organization with newspaper to assist and unite GI’s in radical organizing. We need names, addresses to mail to, letters, stories, articles from servicemen, much money. Subs $3/6 mo, free to servicemen. The Bond, 2056 Emerson, Berkeley, Cal.

Those interested in having SFL freak-outs in Detroit, please write Box SFL, 1107 West Warren, Detroit 48201. List idiosyncrasies, a small biography appreciated. All responses held in confidence.

Quality recording facilities available on exp. co-op basis. Two track demo tapes produced at cost. Call Spike-Drivers 8737305. Esoteric guitar lessons in the realms of folk, rock, blues, raga, banjo. Sid Spikedriver, 873-7305.

Trumpet player looking for gigs. Call Cliff: 833-1989 9:00 to 3:00, 863-7481 nights.

Unknown playwrights, aspiring actors, or anyone interested in rejuvinating the American stage are invited to join the now-being-organized Detroit Drama Workshop. 342-5987.

DRAFT Resisters: YOU ARE NOT ALONE. We have no magic answer to the draft.
We can’t tell you how to dodge it.
We can tell you how to resist it.
YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Send 10 cents for “Uptight With The Draft?” or $1 for a “draft packet” that includes Handbook for C.O.’s. Write: War Resisters League, Dept. D, 5 Beekman Street, New York City 10038

Young writer seeks poems and short stories from others, for book. No payment, stamped, self—addressed for return. Grasshopper Gazzette, 3822 W. 13 Mile, Apt. B-8, Royal Oak, Mich. 48072.

WANTED: serious-minded musicians for commercial rock-blues band. Must have equipment. Must be able to handle large sums of money with good sense as well as fame and worldwide recognition with reasonable maturity. Desire to play is a must. Call Wilson at Fifth Estate office (831-6800) or home (866-3975). Peter, too, at 626-1387.

Beatle Paul McCartney interviewed in Special Back Issue of 5th Estate. Send 15Cents to 5th Estate, 923 Plum St.

Strobe light for rent. Call 834-4904.

Motorcyclist going to Mexico, leaving mid July. Call 832-1685.