

Fifth Estate # 34, July 15-31, 1967

The calendar is prepared by Fifth Estate calendar girls Karen Kovac and Naomi Epel with cooperation from Detroit Adventure. Copy deadline is the 6th and 22nd of each month and should be sent to the Fifth Estate, Calendar 1107 W. Warren, Detroit, Michigan 48201.

SUN the 16th

HEAL along with Oral Roverts at Cobo Hall. Sponsored by North American Baptist Convention. Call Cobo for ticket info. 8/16

TUES. the 18th

PROGRAM: Pre-school story hour at Main Library, children’s section. 2:00 p.m. 7/18.

TOUR: Tour of Greenfield Village for WSU students, leave MacKenzie Hall 1:00 p.m. Return 5:00 p.m. Reservations at WSU ticket office. Free. 7/18.

WED. the 19th

FILMS: “Many Moons,” and “Purple Turtle,” Main library, children’s department. 2:00 p.m. 7/19.

LECTURE: “American Traditions of Religious Ecstacy,” by Betty Chmaj, expert in American Studies. Rackham Educational Memorial, 80 Farnsworth. 8:30 p.m. Adm. Student rates. 7/19.

THURS. the 20th

SUMMER BAND. WSU Mall 12:30 p.m. Free. 8/20.

FRI. the 20th

TIM BUCKLY at the Grande Ballroom, Grand River and Joy. Adm. $2.50, 8:00 p.m. 8/21

FILM: Friday Night Film Comedies. “Kind Hearts and Coronets,” with Alec Guiness. Rackham Educational Memorial, 80 Farnsworth. 8:30 p.m. Adm. Student rates. 7/21.

SAT. the 22nd

TIM BUCKLY at the Grande again, Grand River and Joy. Adm. 2.50, 8:00 p.m. 8/22

MON. the 24th

CONCERT: Fourth Annual Summer Concert Series. Michel Block pianist. Rackham Auditorium, Ann Arbor. 8:30. Adm. 7/24.

WED. the 26th

CONCERT: Stanley Quarter of U of M. Eng. Soc. of Detroit Aud. 100 Farnsworth. 8:30. Adm. 7/26.

THURS. the 27th

SUMMER BAND. WSU mall 12:30 p.m. Band and Orchestra at 8:00 p.m. Free. 8/27.

FRI. the 28th

SCOTT RICHARD CASE at the Grande Ballroom, Grand River at Joy. 2.50 Adm. 8/28

FILM: Friday Night Film Comedies. “Candide,” a modern version of Voltaire’s classic satire. Rackham Educ. Memorial, 80 Farnsworth. 8:30. Adm. Student rates. 7/28.

CHOIR. Summer Choir at WSU Community Arts Aud. 8:00 p.m. Free. 8/28.

SOULS IMAGE R & B Band and Chris and a Cast of Thousands at the Wisdom Tooth on Plum St. 8:00 through Adm. chg. 8/28

SAT. the 29th

APOSTLES at the Grande Ballroom, Grand River at Joy. 2.50 Adm. charge. 8:00 p.m. 8/29

SOULS IMAGE and CHRIS and a Cast of 1000’s at the Wisdom Tooth on Plum St. 8:00 through Adm. charge. 8/29

“The Amen Corner,” James Baldwin. Ford Auditorium, Sat. 8:30, Sun. 7:30. Adm. much unless you get student rate. 7/29.

MONKEYS at Olympia Stadium, 8:00 p.m., costs plenty. Call Stadium for ticket info. 8/29

MON. the 31st

“The Amen Corner,” James Baldwin. Ford Auditorium, Sat. 8:30, Sun. 7:30. Adm. much unless you get student rate. 7/30.

CONCERT: Fourth Annual Summer Concert Series. Grant Johannesen, pianist and Zara Nelsova, cellist. Rackham Aud., Ann Arbor. 8:30. Adm. 7/31.


JOANIE MITCHEL 918th 23rd) The CHRYSELIDS (28th) at the LIVING END, John Lodge and Seward. Must be 21. Call for info

TOM RUSH through the 20th at the CHESSMATE, 7 Mile and Livernois. Call for ticket info.

JOSH WHITE Jr. (15-23) and Eraan ‘Fats’ Johnson (25-) at the RAVEN, Greenfield and 12 Mile Rd.

PLAY: Taylor’s “Our American Cousin,” Henry Ford Museum Theatre, July 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25, 28, 29. 8:30 p.m. Adm. 7/17-29.

PLAY: Detroit Summer Theatre. “Calamity Jane,” with Joan Eastman. Same times as above. July 18-23. 7/25-30.

“No Place to Play,” urban sprawl invades country. Main Library, 3rd Floor. 7/15-8/4.

Ann Carnahan Wallace and George Seyferth. Galerie de Boicourt, 725 S. Adams, Birmingham. Tues.-Sat. 10:00-6:00. 7/16-31.

PLAY: Detroit Summer Theatre. “Mary, Mary,” starring Julia Meade. Detroit Institute of Arts Aud. Tues.-Sat., 8:30. Sun. 7:30, Fri. and Sat. matinee at 2:00. Call 832-2730 for ticket information. 7/18-23.

PLAY: “Love Song for Blue Monday,” presented by the Inner City Theatre, 8647 Woodward. Every
Fri. and Sat. 8:30. Adm. Student rates. 7/28-9/3.

CONCERT: Meadow Brook Music Festival. Detroit Symphony Orchestra with Van Cliburn. Oakland Univ. Thurs.-Sat. 8:30, Sun. 6:30. Adm. 338-7211, ext. 2301. 7/20-23.

CONCERT: Meadow Brook Music Festival. Detroit Symphony Orchestra with guest Charles Munch conducting. Same times as above, July 20-23.