News & Reviews


Fifth Estate # 339, Spring, 1992

James Koehnline’s inventive collages often grace our pages including this issue. His mixture of the ancient with the modern, sacred idols with the banal, and the improbable alongside the ordinary, are often ominously unsettling. The jarring juxtaposition creates a combination of images which reveals much more than the constituent parts.

A full-color Koehnline construction is featured on the cover of Hakim Bey’s recent book, T.A.Z. Perhaps encouraged by that elegant effort, Jim has just issued a series of some of his best work as color postcards under the heading, “Wake up and Dream, Festaludicon 1991.”

A pack of nine is available for $5.00 from the artist at PO BX 85777, Seattle WA 98145.

FOR ALL MY RELATIONS, Vol. II, No. 1 (Dec. ’91-Jan. ’92), 20 pages.

FAMR is by and about Native peoples, “published as often as money permits, and when we have news to share, which is most all the time. We hope to serve the people of Turtle Island by sharing their voices with you as they speak and write about the issues of spirituality, justice and care for Mother Earth.”

The current volume of FAMR contains many interesting articles among which are: “We have no reason to celebrate Invasion,” which concerns the truth about Columbus and the (continuing) destruction of native peoples; and “Walk Across America for the People Nobody Talks About, the most bombed nations on earth,” about atomic testing. The Soviet Union test in Kazakhstan and Novaya Zemlya; China tests on the lands of the Uygur; France tests on the coral islands in Polynesia; Great Britain first bombed Australian aboriginal land and now joins the U.S. in testing on Western Shoshone land.”

FAMR also offers for sale a beautiful Turtle Island Lunar Calendar, printed on recycled paper in blue and red, the proceeds help defray publishing and mailing costs of their newsletter. Subscriptions to FAMR are $15 for 12 issues, checks payable to Claudia Slate, address: FAMR, 11029 McCree Rd., Dallas, TX 75238.

In these times of major backlash against women, we need information about taking care of our bodies more than ever. Check out the pamphlet, “Take Back Your Life,” from the Profane Existence Collective ($1, PO Box 8722, Minneapolis, MN 55408). Here are helpful articles about gynecology, AIDS, and a brief history (herstory) of midwives and witches. We hope to include more information on medicinal care and do-it-yourself abortions as the fight continues.