FE Bookstore


Fifth Estate # 335, Winter, 1990-91

The FE Bookstore is located at 4632 Second Ave., just south of W. Forest, in Detroit. We share space with the Fifth Estate Newspaper and may be reached at the same phone number: (313) 831-6800. Visitors are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;

2) add 10% for mailing costs—not less than $.90 U.S. or $1.34 foreign (minimum for 4th class book rate postage);

3) total;

4) write check or money order to: The Fifth Estate;

5) mail to: The Fifth Estate, P.O. Box 02548, Detroit, MI 48202


By the author of The Last Days of Christ the Vampire, this new novel continues the fast paced action style of the first. Beginning with an English peasant revolt, the story leaps to contemporary America where a modern version of earlier revolt, Jack Straw, works with a combination of outlaws and anarchists to overthrow authority and create a free, cooperative society.

III Publishing 192 pp. $5

DREAM WORLD by Kent Winslow

Disturbing autobiographical novel of one man’s attempt to become a “free person” while growing up in “Mormonville.” Taken from a long running series in The Match magazine.

Match Press 291 pp. $8.00

WAR AT HOME by Brian Glick

Brief overview of the FBI’s history as the U.S. political police, emphasizing the notorious COINTELPRO era. Also contains intelligent (and occasionally lame) suggestions on resisting COINTELPRO-type attacks

South End Press 92 pp. $5


Yet more poetry, visuals, collages, music and literary reviews, fiction, communal action, radical sexuality and more from the Cass Corridor

Babyfish 88 pp. $2.00

THE FREE by M. Gilliland

A fictional account of an insurrection, revolution and its suppression under circumstances not dissimilar from contemporary Great Britain. Graphic descriptions of battle, guerrilla warfare, torture and imprisonment make this novel not for the fainthearted, and yet they represent what could be expected in a real such situation. So intense in sections that it left our reviewer “looking for the door.” See FE Fall 1986.

Attack International 150 pp. $6


A selection of the 150 songs written by the late Julian Beck, “whose banner,” writes his collaborator Judith Malina elsewhere, “was the conquest of death by the awakening of the revolutionary spirit of the people through the struggle of the artist.”

Bliss Press 44 pp. $3.00

1 – FIGHTING THE REVOLUTION, N. Makhno, B. Durruti and E. Zapata

The introduction to this pamphlet calls these three the “unsung heroes” of history and tells about each of their lives and their battles. Men and women such as these have argued that the vast majority of the people of all nations have no material interest in the wars and conflicts of their masters; that they should in fact, unite against their respective rulers and owners of property, strip them of their power and wealth, and make the means of life the common heritage of all, regardless of race, nationality or sex.

Freedom Pamphlets 40 pp. $2.00

2 – FIGHTING THE REVOLUTION, P. Kropotkin, Louise Michel and the Paris Commune

This pamphlet contains “The Defence of Louise Michel” which she presented at her trial following the suppression of the Paris Commune in 1871. Michel was a brave member of this famous uprising who only gave herself up to the police in order to secure the release of her mother who had been taken hostage. in this speech which begins the pamphlet, Michel glorys in her participation in the uprising.

Also in this pamphlet are essays and articles by Peter Kropotkin on the Paris Commune and other aspects of anarchism and revolution.

Freedom Press 48 pp. $2.40


All four wild, wacky and politically relevant comics done by a talented assembly of international cartoonists. Can’t read thick theory? Here’s the easy way.

Lasp Gasp $2.50 per copy or all four for $9


An enlightening overview of the significant roles women played in the Spanish Revolution. “In a way, it is clearly artificial to try to isolate the role of women in any series of historical events. There are reasons, however, why the attempt should still be made…; it cannot be assumed that when historians write about ‘people’ or ‘workers’ they mean women to anything like the same extent as men. It is only recently that the history of women has begun to be studied with the attention appropriate to women’s significance…”—From the introduction.

Lower Depths 28 pp. $1


History of the anarchist peasant revolution in the Ukraine with telling revelations about the nature of “revolutionary” Bolshevik military and social policy. Written by a participant in the Makhnovist movement.

Freedom Press 284 pp. $11

THE RUSSIAN TRAGEDY by Alexander Berkman

What went wrong in Russia? How did the successful attempt to overthrow the old dictatorship of the Tsarist system only lead to the new dictatorship of the Communists? Berkman answers these questions from the view of a participant having arrived in the Soviet Union after being deported from the U.S. following a long imprisonment for an assassination attempt on an industrialist.

Phoenix Press 91 pp. $5.00


The Spectacular Times Series

SPECTACULAR TIMES: Fin de Spectacle? More of the Shame—by Larry Law

Reprints of two long-out-of-print S.T. pamphlets. More of Larry Law’s incisive textual and graphic attacks on modern capitalist society and its liberal and socialist pseudo-opponents.

FDS: 26 pp. MOS: 34 pp. each $1.50

SPECTACULAR TIME’S: Animals by Larry Law

More than just another chronicle of animal misery. Between its blood-spattered covers it argues, for the first time since the Surrealists, that animal liberation is an integral part of the revolutionary project.

Spectacular Times 48 pp. $2.25

CABARET: An Anthology of Political bafoonery, 1980-88—Published by anonymous British anarchists

A chronological collection of jokes, pranks, and mischief in the spirit of (and dedicated to) Larry Law’s Spectacular Times.

48 pp. $3.75

BUFFO 1 & 2

A new, updated edition of Larry Law’s “amazing tales of political pranks and anarchic buffoonery.” Not mere jokes, although most of them are hilarious enough to stand on their own, but a chronicle of hundreds of incidents of how Power and authority were undone with humor.

Spectacular Times 36 pp. $2.60

SPECTACULAR TIMES: The Bad Days Will End compiled and written by Larry Law

“The real state secret is the secret misery of daily life. Almost everything we care about has been turned into a commodity. We have to resist allowing the spectacle to define our hopes. We have to learn to play with our desires.” – from the text

Spectacular Times 28 pp. $1

SPECTACULAR TIMES: The Spectacle: The Skeleton Keys Compiled and written by Larry Law

A double reprint of Larry Law’s 1981 and ’82 texts which express some of the basic ideas of the Spectacular Times series. Chapter titles include: The Spectacle, Recuperation, Specialization and Fragmentation. “The Skeleton Keys is not philosophy pre-packaged for consumption.”—from the text.

Spectacular Times 48 pp. $1.60


Contains over eighty texts—leaflets, articles, internal documents, film scripts, etc. from this seminal ultra-left grouping.

Bureau of Public Secrets 406 pp. $15

HAVING LITTLE; BEING MUCH: A Chronicle of Fredy Perlman’s Fifty Years by Lorraine Perlman

A remembrance of a friend, and the times and community in which he lived. “Lorraine’s direct and unadorned style lets Fredy’s life speak for itself; one cannot help but see it as exemplary,”—from our review in last issue.

Black & Red 155 pp. $3.50

THE SPIRIT OF FREEDOM: The War in Ireland by Attack International

In the usual style of Attack, the subterfuges and alibis are dispensed with and the story of Northern Ireland’s “troubles” are told from a radical, anti-authoritarian perspective. Both the state sponsored terrorism and Irish nationalism are criticized.

Attack International 71 pp. $2

LIVING MY LIFE by Emma Goldman

The turbulent autobiography of a woman at the center of the century’s major events. Although her life intersected with the famous figures of the era, it is the day-to-day struggles for anarchy which make this account come alive. This is the original two-volume edition first published in 1931.

Dover 993 pp. (2 volumes) $18

ABC OF ANARCHISM by Alexander Berkman

First published in 1929, Berkman’s work still remains one of the best introductions to the ideas of anarchism. Berkman was no mere theoretician, but a militant activist for much of his life. Berkman was a lifelong companion of Emma Goldman and served years in prison for political offenses. The book poses and then answers questions such as “Is Anarchy Possible?” and “Is Anarchism Violence?”

Freedom Press 86 pp. $5

QUIET RUMORS: An Anarcha-Feminist Anthology

Along with Voltarine de Cleyre’s essay “The Making of an Anarchist,” the collection includes writings by anarcha-feminists from the early 1970s which “illustrate the clear parallels existing between feminist practice—non hierarchical, anti-authoritarian and de-centralist—-and the theories of anarchism.”—from the jacket.

Dark Star/Rebel Press 72 pp. $5


The author was one of the founders of the Situationist International and this book was published in 1967, the same year as Guy Debord’s Society of the Spectacle. The two works were meant to complement each other.

Rebel/Left Bank 216 pp. $7.00


First comprehensive collection of Zerzan’s writings, many of which first appeared in the Fifth Estate. Daily life, with its intensifying alienations and psychopathology, becomes more spectacular and bizarre. We grow more dependent on glitter and diversion to fill the void where all that is human is gutted. The word “survive” displaces the word “live” in everyday speech as if they were equivalent. A kind of special terror permeates everything, a commonplace in our lives. But there is hope. Zerzan sees the “work-buy-consume-die” paradise teetering on the brink of collapse.

Left Bank Books 263 pp. $9.00

BEYOND GEOGRAPHY: The Western Spirit Against the Wilderness by Frederick Turner

Traces the “spiritual history” that led up to the European domination and decimation of the Western Hemisphere’s native peoples who were as rich in mythic life as the new arrivals were barren. Turner follows the unconscious desire in the Western invaders for the spiritual contentment they sensed in the primitives they destroyed.

Rutgers U. Press 329 pp. $14

LETTERS OF INSURGENTS by Fredy Perlman (written under names of S. Nachalo & Y. Vochek)

Epic in scope and size, Letters examines the human qualities of love, loyalty and solidarity within the crucible of revolution. The reoccurring themes of the novel echo in many Black & Red publications and in this newspaper.

Black & Red 832 pp. $7.50