FE Bookstore


Fifth Estate # 334, Summer, 1990

The FE Bookstore is located at 4632 Second Ave., just south of W. Forest, in Detroit. We share space with the Fifth Estate Newspaper and may be reached at the same phone number: (313) 831-6800. Visitors are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;

2) add 10% for mailing costs—not less than $.90 U.S. or $1.34 foreign (minimum for 4th class book rate postage);

3) total;

4) write check or money order to: The Fifth Estate;

5) mail to: The Fifth Estate, P.O. Box 02548, Detroit, MI 48202

ABC OF ANARCHISM by Alexander Berkman

First published in 1929, Berkman’s work still remains one of the best introductions to the ideas of anarchism. Berkman was no mere theoretician, but a militant activist for much of his life. Berkman was a lifelong companion of Emma Goldman and served years in prison for political offenses. The book poses and then answers questions such as “Is Anarchy Possible?” and “Is Anarchism Violence?”

Freedom Press 86 pp. $5

THE SPIRIT OF FREEDOM: The War in Ireland by Attack International

In the usual style of Attack, the subterfuges and alibis are dispensed with and the story of Northern Ireland’s “troubles” are told from a radical, anti-authoritarian perspective. Both the state sponsored terrorism and Irish nationalism are criticized.

Attack International 71 pp. $2


“Graphic wildness and literary adventure.” —from our review this issue. Poetry, visuals, collages, music and literary reviews, fiction, communal action, radical sexuality and more.

Babyfish 80 pp. $2

MYTHS OF MALE DOMINANCE: Collected Articles of Women Cross-Culturally by Eleanor Burke Leacock

Written by anthropologist Eleanor Bufke Leacock over a period of 30 years, these articles show the development of her thinking on questions of gender difference in primitive and civilized society. Two essays in particular, one a critique of Margaret Meid and another a study of matrilocality among the native Montagnais-Naskapi, illustrate the basis of her understanding that “universal male dominance is myth not fact.” She states, “Despite the constant restatement of the assertion that for various biological or social-psychological reasons, women have always been subservient to men, both my direct experience and my cross-cultural studies continue to convince me otherwise.” An important contribution to the discussion of the existence of primitive egalitarian societies with profound repercussions on social relations today.

Monthly Review Books 344 pp. $13

HAVING LITTLE, BEING MUCH: A Chronicle of Fredy Perlman’s Fifty Years by Lorraine Perlman

A remembrance of a friend, and the times and community in which he lived. “Lorraine’s direct and unadorned style let’s Fredy’s life speak for itself; one cannot help but see it as exemplary.” —from our review this issue.

Black & Red 155 pp. $3.50


The Continuing Appeal of Nationalism (1985) A Fifth Estate reprint $1.25

Against His-story, Against Leviathan (1983) $3

Letters of Insurgents, Written under S. Nachalo and Y. Vocheck, (1976) $5

Incoherence of the Intellectual (1970) $2.25

Reproduction of Daily Life (1969) $.50

Revolt in Socialist Yugoslavia (1969) $.75

Worker-Student Action Committees: France, May ’68 w/R. Gregoire $1.50

We Called A Strike & No One Came, As part of Kalamazoo Black & Red $.75.

Introductory Essay in I.I. Rubin’s Essays on Marx’s Theory of Value (1966) $3.75

LIVING MY LIFE by Emma Goldman

The turbulent autobiography of a woman at the center of the century’s major events. Although her life intersected with the famous figures of the era, it is the day-to-day struggles for anarchy which make this account come alive. This is the original two-volume edition first published in 1931.

Dover 993 pp. (2 volumes) $18

QUIET RUMORS: An Anarcha-Feminist Anthology

Along with Voltarine de Cleyre’s essay “The Making of an Anarchist,” the collection includes writings by anarcha-feminists from the early 1970s which “illustrate the clear parallels existing between feminist practice—non hierarchical, anti-authoritarian and de-centralist—and theories of anarchism.” —from the jacket.

Dark Star/Rebel Press 72 pp. $5


“…engaging, informative, passionate and extremely Well-written…the best critical survey of American history available.” from the Fifth Estate review of the book. (See Fall 1982 FE)

Harper & Row 614 pp. $8.95


A basket weaver in Mexico (but it could be any peasant culture) makes tiny, creative representations of his earthly world. An American sees the opportunity to make a profit from this Indian’s poetic creations.

No pub. listed 28 pp. $1.50

THREAT BY EXAMPLE: A Documentation of Inspiration Compiled by Martin Sprouse

“Explodes with strikingly honest summaries of modern anarchist living, where idealism meets reality in troubled but creative defiance.” from the FE Summer 1989. Words and art from 27 people.

Pressure Drop Press 131 pp. (large format) $7

UNTYING THE KNOT: Feminism, Anarchism & Organization.

Two essays, “The Tyranny of Structurelessness” by Jo Freeman and “The Tyranny of Tyranny” a reply by Cathy Levine, written in the early 1970s strongly influenced feminist and anarchist circles at that time and continue to be relevant today.

Dark Star/Rebel Press 23 pp. $ 1.50

The revolts this year which swept the socialist bloc countries were the culmination of a long history of resistance to state authority in the East. The following titles represent four of those stories recounted from an anti-authoritarian perspective.

HUNGARY ’56 by Andy Anderson

Anderson’s account of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 gives the full panorama of the revolt against the stalinist bureaucracy which contained the potential for universal forms of freedom.

Solidarity/Black & Red 138 pp. $2.25

POLAND: 1970-71—Capitalism & Class Struggle by ICO

“The cover photo of this pamphlet showing the blazing Communist Party headquarters illustrates what this book is about: the hatred of the people for their rulers. An entire exploited class rose against a ruling class, exposing the real social relations and shattering all mystifications.” —from the FE review.

Black & Red 117 pp. $2.50

POLAND 1980-82: Class Struggle &The Crisis of Capital by Henri Simon

All that is criticized here has come to pass as Solidarity has taken up the administration of austerity in defense of Polish capital. The attempt of this union cum government to keep up with a militant working class is a juggling act worth reading.

Black & Red 144 pp. $2.50

CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1968 by Petr Cerny

The tragedy of the Soviet invasion which conjures up images of Beijing in 1989 was marked equally by an amazing amount of self-organization and heroism.

Also, included is a separate essay by Paul Avrich on the Makhnovist movement in the Ukraine which fought the Bolsheviks for an anarcho-communist revolution.

Solidarity 49 pp. (large format) $3

BREAKING FREE: The Adventures of TinTin by J. Daniels

A book length comic which chronicles the beginnings of a revolution as TinTin and his pals battle unions and the cops. What starts as a small labor action quickly confronts the legitimacy of the state. It rather follows the scenario of The Free in demonstrating realistically how self-organization for revolt will occur.

Attack International 176 pp. $5


Can there be a society that is not divided into oppressors and oppressed, or that refuses coercive state apparatuses? In this beautifully written book Pierre Clastres offers examples of South American Indian groups that, though without hierarchical leadership, were both affluent and complex. In so doing he refutes the usual negative definition of tribal society and poses its order as a radical critique of Western society.

Zone Books 218 pp. $11

WILLIAM BLAKE: Visionary Anarchist by Peter Marshall

An introduction to Blake’s world showing the light which shines beyond the cloudy mountain range of his symbolism. Blake shaped wondrous visions of freedom and love. His appeal lies precisely in his combination of the social and the sacred and what we would call today, the ecological. He was a revolutionary anarchist looking back to the gnostic anarchism of the Middle Ages that anticipated modern anti-authoritarianism and social ecology.

Freedom Press 69 pp. $5.00

ECODEFENSE: A FIELD GUIDE TO MONKEYWRENCHING Edited by Dave Foreman and Bill Haywood Forward by Edward Abbey

This new, revised and enlarged second edition contains everything the wilderness defender needs to know about how to disable, dismantle, blowup, tear down, break, burn, destroy or otherwise stop the machinery, equipment, buildings, vehicles, etc. of those who are raping the earth for profit. Sabotage techniques are richly detailed with diagrams, first hand accounts and “field notes.”

Ned Ludd Books 311 pp. $12


Mander goes beyond his title to look at all of spectacular society. Television doesn’t just have “bad” content, but changes how we perceive the world. Experience is no longer direct, but mediated by television through centralized and unified images. The result is a loss of the sensuous world and a passive, easily manipulated population.

Quill 371 pp. $8.00

BEYOND GEOGRAPHY: The Western Spirit Against the Wilderness by Frederick Turner

Traces the “spiritual history” that led up to the European domination and decimation of the Western Hemisphere’s native peoples who were as rich in mythic life as the new arrivals were barren. Beginning with the first separation from the Wilderness in the days of the Israelites, and thus from the myths that had nurtured them and connected them with the land, and ending with Buffalo Bill’s hollow triumphs over his “Wild West,” Turner follows the unconscious desire in the Western invaders for the spiritual contentment they sensed in those “primitives” they encountered.

Rutgers U. Press 329 pp. $14