FE Bookstore


Fifth Estate # 332, Summer, 1989

The FE Bookstore is located at 4632 Second Ave., just south of W. Forest, in Detroit. We share space with the Fifth Estate Newspaper and may be reached at the same phone number: (313) 831-6800. Visitors are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;

2) add 10% for mailing costs—not less than $.90 U.S. or $1.34 foreign (minimum for 4th class book rate postage);

3) total;

4) write check or money order to: The Fifth Estate;

5) mail to: The Fifth Estate, P.O. Box 02548, Detroit, MI 48202

HOW DEEP IS DEEP ECOLOGY? with “Women’s Freedom: Key to the Population Problem” by George Bradford

“How Deep…” was the now out-of-print 1987 FE essay that began the long exchange on what constitutes radical environmentalism. Its criticism of Earth First! and the fundamentals of deep ecology centers on their failure to understand the roles of capital and the state in creating the ecological crisis. “Women’s Freedom” discusses the role of reproductive freedom as being a key to both the liberation of women and our reconciliation with nature.
Times Change Press 86 pp. $5.50
(40% discount on five or more copies.)


THE FREE by M. Gilliland

A fictional account of an insurrection, revolution and its suppression under circumstances not dissimilar from contemporary Great Britain. Graphic descriptions of battle, guerrilla warfare, torture and imprisonment make this novel not for the fainthearted, and yet they represent what could be expected in such a real situation. So intense in sections that it left our reviewer “looking for the door.” See FE Fall 1986.
Hooligan Press 142 pp. $5.00

SEMIOTEXT[E] USA: A Psychotopographical Projection

A huge compendium of works in American psychotopography—areas not found on the official map of consensus-perception. Maps of energies, secret maps of the USA in the form of words and images. Sermons, rants, broadsheets, crackpot pamphlets, manifestoes, xerox and mimeo zines, punkzines, mail art, kids’ poetry, subverted ads, American samizdat. Large format, startling graphics collection from the underground of American publishing.
Semiotext[e] 352 pp. $10.00′


The author was one of the founders of the Situationist International and this book was published in 1967, the same year as Guy-Debord’s Society of the Spectacle. The two works were meant to complement each other.
Rebel/Left Bank 216 pp. $7.00


20th anniversary issue of this newspaper published by the Mohawk Nation. Contains a collection of articles from previous issues including the Alcatraz and Wounded Knee takeovers, Leonard Peltier, the longest walk and others, Radicalism from the Native American perspective.
Akwesasne 32 pp. $2


Anarchists knew the truth about the Bolsheviks before glasnost. Writing from the experience of her stay in Russia, 1920-21, Goldman shows how the Communists, starting with Lenin, destroyed the social revolution and replaced it by their own tyranny.
Phoenix Press 16 pp. $.75

THREAT BY EXAMPLE: A Documentation of Inspiration Compiled by Martin Sprouse

Words and art from 27 people in the punk scene who reflect “anarchist living” (see our review this issue).
Pressure Drop Press 131 pp. (lg. format) $7

THE GREAT FRENCH REVOLUTION: 1789-1793 Vol. I & II by Peter Kropotkin

Throughout his book, Kropotkin ties his interpretation of the course of the revolution to the continuous stream of popular action, which he sees as beginning long before the revolution itself. He also focuses on the clash between the Jacobins and their opponents—the Hebertists, Enrages, and Anarchists. In this clash between pro- and anti-authoritarians, Kropotkin draws out the origins of Marxism and Leninism within the Jacobins. Although the French Revolution was a popular, mass event it was directed and disciplined by a minority of professional revolutionaries. Those who continue to exalt the organization of a post-revolutionary State fail to see that the interests followed were in France, and everywhere else, exactly those of the bourgeoisie.
Elephant Editions 2 Vols. 602 pp. $15



A good-bye to Marx. Baudrillard examines its lessons which have created a productivist model and a fetishism of labor. He argues that we must break the mirror of production which “reflects all of Western metaphysics” and see marxism within the restrictive context of political economy where it was born.
Telos Press 167 pp. $5.50

CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1968 by Petr Cerny

The tragedy of the Soviet invasion which conjures up images of Beijing in 1989 was marked equally by an amazing amount of self-organization and heroism. With even the worst Stalinists admitting to the crimes of “socialism,” documents such as this still remain as vivid testimony to the tyranny of all states and the desire for freedom on the part of the people. Also included is a separate essay by Paul Avrich on the Makhnovist movement in the Ukraine which fought the Bolsheviks for an anarcho-communist revolution.
Solidarity 49 pp. $4.50


Although eclipsed by recent events, this essay gives lie to maoist claim that its “revolution” was anything other than the installation of bureaucratic state capitalism. An excellent history of the early to middle period of maoism.
Solidarity 26 pp. $2.25

BREAKING FREE: The Adventures of TinTin by J. Daniels

A book length comic which chronicles the beginnings of a revolution as TinTin and his pals battle unions and the cops. What starts as a small labor action quickly takes on the legitimacy of the state. It rather follows the scenario of The Free in demonstrating realistically how self-organization for revolt will occur.
Attack International 176 pp. $5

Fields, Factories and Workshops Tomorrow by Peter Kropotkin

An anarchist classic out of print in England for over 50 years. “Here is a suppressed tradition of philosophy and politics, which, as Marxist and capitalist ideology disintegrate or ossify, more and more people will be wanting to consider.” —Peter Abbs in The Ecologist.
“The ways that Kropotkin suggested, how (wo)men can at once begin to live better, are still the ways; the evils he attacked are…still the evils.” —P. Goodman

Freedom Press 205 pp. $7.00


Traces the “spiritual history” that led up to the European domination and decimation of the Western Hemisphere’s native peoples, who were as rich in mythic life as the new arrivals were barren. Beginning with the first separation from the Wilderness in the days of the Israelites, and thus from the myths that had nurtured them and connected them with the land, and ending with Buffalo Bill’s hollow triumphs over his “Wild West,” Turner follows the unconscious desire in the Western invaders for the spiritual contentment they sensed in those “primitives” they encountered.
Rutgers Press U. 329 pp. $12.00

Quiet Rumors: An Anarcha-Feminist Anthology

Along with Voltarine de Cleyre’s essay “The Making of an Anarchist,” the collection includes writings by anarcha-feminists from the early 1970s which “illustrate the clear parallels existing between feminist practice—non hierarchical, anti-authoritarian and de-centralist—and the theories of anarchism.” —from the jacket.

Dark Star/Rebel Press 72 pp. $5


A basket weaver in Mexico (but it could be any peasant culture) makes tiny, creative representations of his earthly world. An American sees the opportunity to make a profit from this Indian’s poetic creations.

No pub. listed 28 pp. $1.50


Listings of the back issues show volume and number and list some of the articles they contain. They cost 75 cents each plus postage. For a complete listing of available back issues send a stamped self-addressed envelope or request one with your book order.

22/2—”Anarchy In Minneapolis,” “Race, Class & Crime in the U.S.: The Goetz Case,” “Did the U.S. Cause AIDS?” “The Metaphysics of Dancing Tribes,” “U.S.: War-to-War Salesman,” “Letter from Chernobyl.”

23/1—”Palestine: Legacy of Conquest,” “Delving Deeper Into Deep Ecology,” “An Exchange on Deep Ecology & Population,” “Woman’s Freedom: Key to the Population Question,” “Earth First! and the Problem of Language,” “Anarchy & the Sacred,” “Barcelona May ’37.”

23/2—”Anarchy in Toronto,” “Stopping the Incinerator, Starting the Movement,” “Industrial Domestication,” “France May ’68,” “Deep Ecology Debate Continues/Earth Firsters Respond,” “Agriculture: Essence of Civilization,” “Ed Abbey: We Rest Our Case.”

23/3—”Anarchy in Korea,” “Palestine: Future of a Rebellion,” “Stopping the Incinerator: A Response,” “Live Wild Or Die!—The Other Earth First!” “Exchange on Agriculture & Civilization,” “Debate on Tactics: Anarchy in DC.”


This informative, at times beautiful and impassioned book tells the history of the lakes from their “deep past” in formation through the European conquest and industrial “development.” From the massacre of the fur-bearing animals to the cutting of forests and poisoning of waters, Ashworth’s book tells the story of civilization’s extractive vampirism in this region. There are ample problems with the book—its lack of critique of civilization, capital and progress so common to environmental literature, to begin with, but those who read with these critiques in mind, will nevertheless find it valuable. The holocaust of our bioregion is a powerful and particularly despicable case history of the demon called progress.

Wayne State U. Press 274 pages $14.95

THE TRAFFIC IN WOMEN & Other Essays On Feminism by Emma Goldman with a biography by Alix Kates Shulman

Besides her classic lead essay, ones on “Marriage” and “Women’s suffrage” are included in this volume. Shulman’s short biographic sketch places this revolutionary anarchist within an historical context.

Times Change Press 63 pp. $3

LIVE WILD OR DIE!—Special Industrial Civilization Collapse First Pre-anniversary issue

This is a very exciting publication produced by the uncontrollable other voices of Earth First! that one may not always get to see in the group’s unofficial official newspaper. Articles on lots of actions, advice on tactics and scams, defending wolves and Malaysian rainforests, and much much more. Lavishly illustrated.

36 page tabloid $2

For multiple copies contact LWOD directly at POB 411233 San Francisco CA 94141.

WHITEWASH: Australia’s bicentenary—Another History

Was Australia a vast empty continent or were the aborigines brutally massacred? Is Australia a happy and multi-cultural society or one of the world’s most racist states? The Australian government gave one version during 1988; this is another.

Australian Syndicalist Federation 44 pp. $1.50