FE Bookstore


Fifth Estate # 331, Spring 1989

The FE Bookstore is located at 4632 Second Ave., just south of W. Forest, in Detroit. We share space with the Fifth Estate Newspaper and may be reached at the same phone number: (313) 831-6800. Visitors are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;

2) add 10% for mailing costs—not less than $.90 U.S. or $1.34 foreign (minimum for 4th class book rate postage);

3) total;

4) write check or money order to: The Fifth Estate; mail to: The Fifth Estate, P.O. Box 02548, Detroit MI 48202 USA


Traces the “spiritual history” that led up to the European domination and decimation of the Western Hemisphere’s native peoples who were as rich in mythic life as the new arrivals were barren. Beginning with the first separation from the Wilderness in the days of the Israelites, and thus from the myths that had nurtured them and connected them with the land, and ending with Buffalo Bill’s hollow triumphs over his “Wild West,” Turner follows the unconscious desire in the Western invaders for the spiritual contentment they sensed in those “primitives” they encountered.

Rutgers Press 329 pp. $12.00


Duerr burns, he shines, he soars. A major book along the lines of Turner’s Beyond Geography, Perlman’s Against Leviathan, Diamond’s In Search of the Primitive and other related work. Dreamtime reveals how profoundly primitivism is corroding the pillars of rationalism, empiricism and objective science that buttress the modern megamachine. Earth goddesses, witches’ salves, night travellers, wild women and werewolves, talking vultures and coyotes, nightshade spirits and flying shamans all make their appearance as this anthropologist-turned-hobgoblin turns the world upside down so that we might see what really lies in its depths and heights.

Basil Blackwell Books 462 pp. $12.95


In a poetic style which leaves the terrain of history as it excoriates it, Leviathan traces the origins of the state, the destruction of myth-centered, communitarian, free societies by authoritarian machines and economic social relations. It also chronicles the varied forms of resistance to the state.

Black & Red 320 pp. $4.00

THE STRAIT: Book of Obenabi—His Songs

Tracing the history of the inhabitants of the Strait (now Detroit) from pre-history to the 1830s, the encroachment of European civilization is examined from the perspective of the victims rather than the victors. This is Book One of the two-volume novel that Fredy Perlman began working on ten years ago; this part was complete at the time of his death in 1985.

The book concentrates on the variety of forms that resistance to the Invader took. These forms of resistance are what interested Fredy as he saw many parallels between contemporary encroachments and the history of the Invader’s westward march. This account eloquently supports Fredy’s belief that to resist is to be human.

Black & Red 400 pp. $5


Although popularly known as “Lapps,” the Sami people of Northern Europe are an oppressed minority of indigenous people who live in upper regions of Scandinavia. The Samis are in a fight to save their language and culture and to stop the exploitation of their lands by hydroelectric projects.

Charta 79 72 pp. $1.50


Can there be a society that is not divided into oppressors and oppressed, or that refuses coercive state apparatuses? In this beautifully written book Pierre Clastres offers examples of South American Indian groups that, though without hierarchical leadership, were both affluent and complex. In so doing he refutes the usual negative definition of tribal society and poses its order as a radical critique of our own western state of power. “We conventionally define the state as the regulation of violence; it may be the origin of it. Clastres’ thesis is that economic expropriation and political coercion are inconsistent with the character of tribal society—which is to say, with the greater part of human history.”—Marshall Sahlins.

Zone Books 224 pp. $18.95 cloth


Diamond is critical of the discipline of anthropology and of the civilization that produced it. He views the anthropologist who refuses to become a critic of civilization as a tool of it. Diamond rejects the idea of modern superiority and searches for the primitive as an alternative and superior mode of intersecting with the world.

Transaction Books 385 pp. $19

QUESTIONING TECHNOLOGY: A Critical Anthology Edited by Alice Carnes &John Zerzan

This is the first explicitly anti-technology collection. As the introduction states, “This book presents only one side—the other side.” Included are essays from Mumford, Ellul, Stanley Diamond, Jean Baudrillard, Langdon Winner and even a couple from the FE’s George Bradford. Section headings include: “Technology: Its History & Our Future,” “Computers & The Informed Individual” and “Technology: The Web of Life.” An excellent introduction to an investigation of technology’s inherent hierarchal and destructive nature.

Freedom Press 222 pp. $10


“The Technological Society is one of the most important books of the second half of the twentieth century. In it, Ellul convincingly demonstrates that technology, which we continue to conceptualize as the servant of man, will overthrow everything that prevents the internal logic of its development, including humanity itself…” —Robert Theobald, The Nation

Vintage Books 449 pp. $4.95

PROPAGANDA: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes by Jacques Ellul

“The theme of Propaganda is quite simply… that when our new technology encompasses any culture or society, the result is propaganda. Ellul has made many splendid contributions in this book.” —Marshall Mcluhan

Vintage 313 pp. $5.95


A look at how a technological invasion which took place a century ago decimated a Native American culture in northern Canada.

Centre for Northern Studies & Research 12 pp. 50 cents


Discusses the qualitatively new form of totalitarian technological state power which is emerging as modern police techniques and nuclearism converge.

Self-pub 44 pp. $.50

THE FUTURE OF TECHNICS AND CIVILIZATION by Lewis Mumford Introduction by Colin Ward

This is the second half of Mumford’s classic text Technics and Civilization. In it he “observed the limitations the Western European imposed upon himself in order to create the machine and project it as a body outside his personal will… We have seen the machine arise out of the denial of the organic and the living…” Mumford calls for the “rebuilding of the individual personality and the collective group” in order to reorient human activity toward life. This republication celebrates Mumford’s 90th birthday and Freedom Press’ centenary. Mumford’s work is seminal to almost all critical thought about the modern world.

Freedom Press 184 pp. $7.00



An anarchist classic which profoundly influenced theories of human biology. His thesis was propounded as a counterblast to the social conclusions drawn from the Darwinian “struggle for existence.”

Freedom Press 278 pp. $9.00


All four wild, wacky and politically relevant comics done by a talented assembly of international cartoonists. Can’t read thick theory? Here’s the easy way.

Last Gasp; all 4 issues—reg. $9; special at $8

A DAY MOURNFUL AND OVERCAST by “an uncontrollable” from the Iron Column

This moving and frequently unsettling text by an escaped convict who fought in the anarchist Iron Column during the Spanish Revolution is an angry protest against the militarization and hierarchicalization of the column in 1937.

Self-published 52 pp. $1

THE BLACK FLAG: A Look Back at the Strange Case of Sacco and Vanzetti by Brian Jackson

Accused of murder and robbery the two Italian immigrants were executed in 1927 after a universally recognized unfair trial. “Both were guilty—and proudly so—of a cultural crime. They were foreign, working-class, armed and anarchist…. In the end, it was for this that the State executed them.” —from the text.

RKP 208 pp. hb pub. at $14; now $5

MALATESTA: HIS LIFE & IDEAS Compiled & Edited by Vernon Richards

The life and thought of the Italian anarchist who Vernon Richards saw as a “giant” of the “giant-studded 19th century revolutionary movement.” Passages culled from articles he wrote are organized under specific titles such as Mutual Aid, On Organization, Property, Crime & Punishment, Anarchism and Science, Workers and Intellectuals. Also, a short appreciation by Peter Kropotkin, “Recollections and Criticisms of an Old Friend.” Concludes with a section on Malatesta’s relevance for anarchists today by the editor.

Freedom Press 309 pp. $6

Fiction & Poetry


One of the most wildly blasphemous books we have seen since the classics of sacrilege. The book jacket states: “Christ the Vampire. He rose from the dead…His power grew over the ages. Enslaving minds and bodies through both religious hierarchies and direct telepathic control, Jesus Christ the Vampire promises people eternal life for the price of their minds.
“Always people have fought back, but now with the power of the Christians multiplied by TV, government and nuclear weapons, Christ the Vampire and his undead followers are preparing the Apocalypse.”
When Professor Holbach stumbles upon the truth he and his friends must flee for their lives. Can a few teens, outcasts and anarchists foil the Christians’ plan for Armageddon? “Read the book. Soon you will see the grafitti; then you will live the reality.”

111 Publishing 180 pp. $6

Books on the Russian Revolution

October marked the 72nd anniversary of the 1917 Russian Revolution as well as the seizure of state power by the party of the firing squad, the Bolsheviks. The authentic moments of revolution have been overshadowed by the authoritarian statists, so the following books represent a picture of what Voline called in his now out-of-print history of the period, The Unknown Revolution. Also presented here are accounts of heroic revolts against the heirs of Lenin and Stalin.


An excellent chronology and analysis of the Bolshevik betrayal of the revolution from the seizure of the factories to the crushing of the Kronstadt Commune.

Black & Red 100 pp. $2.25


History of the anarchist peasant revolution in the Ukraine with telling revelations about the nature of “revolutionary” Bolshevik military and social policy. Written by a participant in the Makhnovist movement.

Freedom Press 284 pp. $10

THE RUSSIAN TRAGEDY by Alexander Berkman

What went wrong in Russia? How did the successful attempt to overthrow the old dictatorship of the Tsarist system only lead to the new dictatorship of the Communists? Berkman answers these questions from the view of a participant having arrived in the Soviet Union after being deported from the U.S. following a long imprisonment for an assassination attempt on an industrialist.

Phoenix Press 91 pp. $5.00


The sailors, soldiers and workers who made up the Krondstadt garrison outside of Petrograd were the last to assert the power of the workers councils and factory committees which were the authentic Russian revolution. The Bolshevik massacre and suppression of the defenders of Krondstadt in 1921 meant an end to organized resistance to the leninist program of state capitalism and rule. Mett’s classic work contains a moving introduction by Murray Bookchin as well as several prefaces from earlier editions.

Solidarity (London) 93 pp. $3

HUNGARY ’56 by Andy Anderson

The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 has always been trumpeted by the West as “proof” that people bridling under “communism” desire instead capitalist life. Anderson’s thorough account of the October events gives the full panorama of the revolt against the stalinist bureaucracy which contained the potential for universal forms of freedom—the workers’ councils. The text and the excellent photos bring events to life rich with humans in a fight for freedom.

Solidarity/Black & Red 138 pp. $2.25

POLAND 1980-82: Class Struggle & The Crisis of Capital by Henri Simon

In order to function as a union, Solidarity had to recognize and defend the duality of capital and labor, but it was unable to enforce this on a rebellious rank and file which moved beyond organizational discipline and wage labor. The attempt of the union apparatus to keep up with a militant membership while placating the stalinist bureaucracy is a juggling act worth recounting.

Black & Red 144 pp. $2.50

Books on the Spanish Revolution

We offer a small collection of books on the subject of the Spanish Revolution as a worthy introduction to a knowledge of the era. Although by no means exhaustive, each gives a unique perspective to the anarchist upheaval which swept Spain in 1936. Each refutes the stalinist and liberal history of the period which characterizes events as being a defense of the Republic in a civil war rather than a far-ranging social revolution which sought to sweep away the state and capitalism.

THE MAY DAYS: BARCELONA 1937 Contributions by Augustin Souchy, Jose Peirats, Burnett Bolloten & Emma Goldman

Many consider the murderous, Communist Party-led assault on Anarchist positions in Barcelona to be “a minor incident in the Spanish Civil War.” In reality, the armed conflict took over 500 lives—more than during the first week of the military uprising on July 19, 1937. The heroic defense of the anarchists’ revolutionary gains against the physical attack by stalinism is recounted from several perspectives

Freedom Press 128 pp. $5.00


Written by a participant in the events of the 1930s, this volume traces the history of the anarcho-syndicalist union, the CNT, from its origins through to the Revolution. Not an apology or glorification, but a thoroughgoing analysis of the successes and failures of the anarchist movement.

Self-Published 400 pp. $5.00

SABATE: Guerilla Extraordinary Antonio Tellez, translated by Stuart Christie with an introduction by Alfredo Bonanno

Sabate and his comrades fought the Franco regime in Spain for years after it was thought that anarchism was defeated in 1939 following the Spanish Revolution. This book tells of the life, the actions and-the death of an anarchist guerrilla. “… reading it pushes one to action; it arouses enthusiasm.”—from the jacket.

Elephant Editions 208 pp. $6.00


This updated edition from Freedom Press contains new footnotes by the author and a review of Hugh Thomas’ The Spanish Civil War. Richards’ critical views of the revolution, the role of the CNT and FAI, and libertarian tactics make it as controversial and valuable today as when the first edition was published 30 years ago. Highly recommended.

Freedom Press 256 pages $6

VISION ON FIRE: Emma Goldman on the Spanish Revolution edited by David Porter

Vision On Fire is a carefully chosen collection of Emma Goldman’s significant, yet largely unpublished writings from the tumultuous final four years of her life. Frankly revealed are her struggles with the deep contradictions of the Spanish Revolution of the late 1930s, her efforts to maintain personal integrity and vision within the heat of passionate involvement.

Commonground Press 346 pp. $7.50

* * *

LETTERS OF INSURGENTS by Fredy Perlman (written under S. Nachalo and V. Vocheck)

Epic in scope and size, Letters examines the human qualities of love, loyalty and solidarity within the crucible of revolution. The re-occurring themes of the novel echo in many Black & Red publications and in this newspaper.

Black & Red 832 pp. $5.00

THE FREE by M. Gilliland

A fictional account of an insurrection, revolution and its suppression under circumstances not dissimilar from contemporary Great Britain. Graphic descriptions of battle, guerrilla warfare, torture and imprisonment make this novel not for the fainthearted, and yet they represent what could be expected in such a real situation. So intense in sections that it left our reviewer “looking for the door.” See FE Fall 1986.

Hooligan Press 142 pp. $4.00


Traven’s novel surpasses John Houston’s fine film version by its stinging critique of property and how ownership erodes the basis of human solidarity. Not preachy at all and creates the basis for the suspense-filled, compelling film which starred Humphrey Bogart. Highly recommended

Farrar Straus Giroux 300 pp. hb $7

SOME WINDED, WILD BEAST by Christina V. Pacosz

Poetry which claws at the city and sings of the Wilderness—

What we know of Sorrow fills

the whole world. What we know

of Grief runs a deep river

underground. At any step

we could drown.

Pacosz was born and raised in Detroit. She lived in the Pacific Northwest for years and recently moved to rural South Carolina.

Black & Red 97 pp. $2.50


A selection of the 150 songs written by the late Julian Beck, “whose banner,” writes his collaborator Judith Malina elsewhere, “was the conquest of death by the awakening of the revolutionary spirit of the people through the struggle of the artist.”

Bliss Press 44 pp. $3.00

Critical Theory


First comprehensive collection of Zerzan’s writings, many of which first appeared in the Fifth Estate. Daily life, with its intensifying alienations and psychopathology, becomes more spectacular and bizarre. We grow more dependent on glitter and diversion to fill the void where all that is human is gutted. The word “survive” displaces the word “live” in everyday speech as if they were equivalent. A kind of special terror permeates everything, a commonplace in our lives. But there is hope. Zerzan sees the “work-buy-consume-die” paradise teetering on the brink of collapse.

Left Bank Books 263 pp. $9.00

SIMULATIONS by Jean Baudrillard

“The very definition of the real has become that of which it is possible to give an equivalent reproduction…The real is not only what can be reproduced. But that which is always already reproduced. The hyper-real…which is entirely in simulation.”—from the text.

Semiotext(e) 159 pp. $4.00


Articles on “The Perception of Militancy,” “Transition” by Gianni Collu, “Against the Language of Self-Defeat,” and more. Graphically attractive, detournements.

Black Thumb Press 34 pp. $1.00


Subtitled “Authoritarian Conditioning (&) Sexual Repression,” this pamphlet is a good summary of theories of Wilhelm Reich and examines the mechanisms within society which make people characterologically incapable of revolt.

Acrata Press 47 pp. $2.00


Discusses the mechanism by which human beings continue to reproduce the conditions of their own immiseration. “Men who were much but had little now have much but are little.”

Black & Red 24 pp. $1.00

THE INCOHERENCE OF THE INTELLECTUAL: C. Wright Mills’ struggle to unite knowledge & Action by Fredy Perlman

Mills quest for an activist role for intellectuals, portraying the limits of his analysis and self-development, his ultimate elevation of intellectuals to a position detached from the field of concrete action.

Black & Red 117 pp. $3.00


Explores the issue of “national liberation” as merely a subset of vanguardism and the capitalist appropriation of life.

Black & Red 58 pp. $1.50

ON ORGANIZATION by Jacques Camatte

Rather than feeling relieved that anarchists have been blessed with the absence Of any national organization or federation recently, one can almost feel the clamoring for bureaucracy in some quarters. Although anti-authoritarian by self-description, these org types dream of meetings, conventions, agendas, internal discussion bulletins and the rest of the rot which is no different when practiced by anarchists than by Power seeking leninists. It might be worth a reread of Camatte for the most apt description of the “gang” mentality fostered by political organizations before yet another horror show is repeated.

No pub. listed 40 pp. $.50

WHY WORK? Arguments for the Leisure Society Edited by Vernon Richards

A Collection of essays and articles by Bertrand Russell, George Woodcock, Camillo Berneri, Peter Kropotkin and others.

The solution to the “problem” of employment is posed by the title of the book: “Why work?” Includes a series of drawings by Cliff Harper of life after the revolution: communal gardens, kitchens, etc.

Freedom Press 210 pp. $6.00

FRANCE GOES OFF THE RAILS: The movements in France, Nov. 1986—Jan. 1987.

A critique of the months that many compared to 1968: the students chanted, “’68 is old; ’86 is better.” But the authors of this text say, “Students are to be criticized, not only because of what they will become, but also because of what they already are: the most concentrated reformist force in society.” The second half of the text examines the implications of the nation-wide rail strike.

BM Blob & Combustion 44 pp. 8.5 x 11 $1.50


Bolo’ Bolo ranges somewhere between a satirical sci-fi novel and a (non-violent) battle plan for the “substruction of the capitalist and/or socialist Planetary Work Machine.” P.M. devises a timetable and even a language for the transition to a world of Bolos—small tribal sized units based on common interests rather than nation states.

Semiotext(e) 198 pp. $5.00


“Revolution does not emerge from one or another part of our being…Our revolution as a project to re-establish community was necessary from the moment when ancient communities were destroyed…”

Black & Red 64 pp. $1.25


A 20 year history of the Notting Hill Gate district of London focusing on the annual carnivals which often turn riotous. The area contains the elements of resistance which so often come into being and gives Bear the jumping off point for a look at contemporary English society.

BM Blob 70 pp. $2.00

THE ASSAULT ON CULTURE: Utopian Currents from Lettrisme to Class War by Stewart Home

A survey of the revolutionary art movements since World War II that include not only those currents listed in the subtitle, but also the situationists, Fluxus, Auto-Destructive Art, punk, the Motherfuckers and Detroit’s own White Panther Party. The critiques remain on the terrain of culture without much indication of how these movements intersected concretely with moments of resistance, but they do suggest what is possible for artists other than subjection to the market.

Unpopular Books 115, pp. $6

History & Labor


“…engaging, informative, passionate and extremely well-written…the best critical survey of American history available.”—from the Fifth Estate review of the book. (See Fall 1982 FE)

Harper & Row 614 pp. $8.95


“To attribute a useful function to unions in the revolutionary process is as unthinkable as seeing revolutionary potential in the stock market…”—from the text by Munis. John Zerzan contributes “Organized Labor vs. ‘The Revolt Against Work.'” Unions are auxiliary organs of capital whose function is to broker labor to capital.

Black & Red 62 pp. $1.25

PARIS: MAY 1968 by Solidarity

An eye-witness account of two weeks spent in Paris during the May 1968 uprising, its purpose being to inform rather than to analyze. The French events have a significance that extends far beyond the frontiers of modern France. A whole epoch had just come to an end: the epoch during which people couldn’t say that “it couldn’t happen here.” Another epoch was starting: that in which people knew that revolution was possible under the conditions of modern bureaucratic capitalism. Also, at the crisis point, the French Communist Party, and those workers under its influence proved to be the final and most effective “brake” on the development of the revolutionary self-activity of the working class. First published in June 1968 by Solidarity (London) following the events by a month.

Dark Star & Rebel Press 55 pp. $3


A basket weaver in Mexico (but it could be any peasant culture) makes tiny, creative representations of his earthly world. An American sees the opportunity to make a profit from this Indian’s poetic creations. Also, an article on the author by Jonah Raskin entitled “Labor, Mystery and Rebellion.”

No pub. listed 28 pp. $1.50


A first-hand account of a witness to the student and worker revolts which shook Yugoslavia the same year as the more famous French events. This English account was translated into Serbian the following year and published in the newspaper Student, which figures prominently in the account. The entire press run was confiscated by the authorities and burned. The only mention ever made of the incident was an article in the communist party paper which noted that a “CIA” instigated report of the revolt had been discovered.

Black & Red 24 pp. $1.50

STRIKE! by Jeremy Brecher

An exciting history of mass labor insurgence from 1877 to the present. No dull workerist account, but showing movements of workers unrestrained by union, state and capital as having the potential for authentic revolution.

South End Press 330 pp. was $9 now $7

TOWARD A NEW COLD WAR: Essays on the Current Crisis & How We Got There by Noam Chomsky

An account by the noted linguist and libertarian historian of the movement towards a new Cold War which has culminated in the Reagan administration’s policies. He contrasts the old with newly emerging Cold Wars, and explores the changes in American global power and ideology since WW II. The essays are a panorama of America’s futile violence, intellectual dishonesty and political immorality which analyzes the contradictions between establishment Ideology and reality.

Random House 498 pp. $10

1—FIGHTING THE REVOLUTION N. Makhno, B. Durruti and E. Zapata

The introduction to this pamphlet calls these three the “unsung heroes” of history and tells about each of their lives and their battles. Men and women such as these have argued that the vast majority of the people of all nations, have no material interest in the wars and conflicts of their masters; that they should in fact, unite against their respective rulers and owners of property, strip them of their power and wealth, and make the means of life the common heritage of all, regardless of race, nationality or sex.

Freedom Pamphlets 40 pp. $2.00

2—FIGHTING THE REVOLUTION: P. Kropotkin, Louise Michel and the Paris Commune

This pamphlet contains “The Defence of Louise Michel” which she presented at her trial following the suppression of the Paris Commune in 1870. Michel was a brave member of this famous uprising who only gave herself up to the police in order to secure the release of her mother who had been taken hostage. In this speech which begins the pamphlet, Michel glorys in her participation in the uprising.
Also in this pamphlet are essays and articles by Peter Kropotkin on the Paris Commune and other aspects of anarchism and revolution.

Freedom Press 48 pp. $2.40


Finally back in print after several years, Thompson shows the forgotten and suppressed history’ of England’s explosive entry into capitalism and industrialism. The early factories were met with Luddite sabotage and resistance, almost bringing down the emerging system. Exciting reading which gives lie to the idea of “progress.” “I am seeking to rescue the poor stockinger, the Luddite cropper, the ‘obsolete’ hand-loom weaver, the ‘utopian’ artisan…from the enormous condescension of Posterity.” —From preface.

Random House 848 PP. was $14 now $11

WARTIME STRIKES by Martin Glaberman

A long-time Detroit resident chronicles the struggle against the no-strike pledge in the UAW during World War II. An exciting account of autonomous organizing which had to take-on the union and the state.

Bewick Editions 158 pp. $6.00

WILDCAT: Dodge Truck- June 1974

Description of a wildcat strike at a suburban Detroit auto plant. Considers the role of the organizers, the union and the left. Compiled by the Eat the Rich Gang, now better known as the FE staff.

Black & Red 32 pp. $1.00


An account of the British miners strike. From the introduction: “…mining communities, and those who identify with the struggle, are actually beginning to discover real life outside and against the commodity-spectacle.”

B.M. Combustion 31 pp. $1.00

WORKER STUDENT ACTION COMMITTEES: France, May 1968 by R. Gregoire & F. Perlman

A lively first-hand account of the 1968 French uprising by two participants. Revolutionary activity of the workers and students contrasted with the repressive actions of the unions, Communist Party and political organizations.

Black & Red 45 pp. $2.00


THE GREAT FRENCH REVOLUTION: 1789-1793 Vol. I & II by Peter Kropotkin

Throughout his book, Kropotkin ties his interpretation of the course of the revolution to the continuous stream of popular action, which he sees as beginning long before the revolution itself. He also focuses on the clash between the Jacobins and their opponents—the Hebertists, Enrages, and Anarchists. In this clash between pro- and anti-authoritarians, Kropotkin draws out the origins of Marxism and Leninism within the Jacobins. Although the French Revolution was a popular, mass event it was directed and disciplined by a minority of professional revolutionaries. Those who continue to exalt the organization of a post-revolutionary State fail to see that the interests followed in France, and everywhere else, were exactly those of the bourgeoisie.

Elephant Editions 2 Vol. 602 pp. $15

MUTINIES: 1917-1920 by Dave Lamb

Nothing more definitively stops the murderous machinations of the State than mutinies among the cannon fodder expected to carry out wars. This chronicle of the massive refusals to fight by soldiers on both sides of the first great inter-imperialist slaughter is a stirring antidote to the usual patriotic horseshit peddled by historians.

Solidarity/London/Oxford 32 pp. 8 x 12″ $3


ON THE POVERTY OF STUDENT LIFE: Ten Days That Shook the University by Situationist International

Translated from the 1966 French edition, this attack on student life and the academy foreshadowed the larger revolts which shook France two years later. Accused of misusing student funds for publishing the pamphlet, a French judge charged the authors with, “Rejecting all morality and restraint, these cynics do not hesitate to commend theft, the destruction of scholarship, the abolition of work, total subversion, and a world-wide proletarian revolution with ‘unlicensed pleasure’ as its only goal.” The students denied none of the charges.

Black & Red 24 pp. $1


Contains over eighty texts—leaflets, articles, internal documents, film scripts, etc. With notes, bibliography and index. “The situationist destruction of present conditioning is already at the same time the construction of situations. It is the liberation of the inexhaustible energies trapped in a petrified daily life. With the advent of unitary urbanism, present city planning (that’ geology of lies) will be replaced by a technique for defending the permanently threatened conditions of freedom, and individuals—who do not yet exist as such—will begin freely constructing their own history.” —S.I., 1961

Bureau of Public Secrets 406 pp. $10.00


This Situationist work traces the process in modern societies whereby all that was once lived directly has now moved into a representation.

Black & Red 221 Theses $2

BUFFO 1 & 2

A new, updated edition of Larry Law’s “amazing tales of political pranks and anarchic buffoonery.” Not mere jokes, although most of them are hilarious enough to stand on their own, but a chronicle of hundreds of incidents of how power and authority were undone with humor.

Spectacular Times 36 pp. $2.60

SPECTACULAR TIMES: Cities of Illusion compiled & written by Larry Law

A post-Situationist publication featuring creative graphics with quotes from Debord, Vaneigem, the Strasbourg Situationists, and Lewis Carroll. Also, an original text by Larry Law. “In the society of the spectacle, we live in a world of carefully constructed illusions—about ourselves, each other, about power, authority, justice and daily life. These illusions are both constructed and reflected by education, advertising, propaganda, television, newspapers, speeches, elections, politics, religion, business transactions and the courts. They are perpetrated by us from the moment we accept this as a valid view of the world.” —from the text.

Spectacular Times 48 pp. $1.60

SPECTACULAR TIMES: The Spectacle: The Skeleton Keys Compiled and written by Larry Law

A double reprint of Larry Law’s 1981 and ’82 texts which express some of the basic ideas of the Spectacular Times series. Chapter titles include: The Spectacle, Recuperation, Specialization and Fragmentation. “The Skeleton Keys is not philosophy pre-packaged for consumption.” —from the text.

Spectacular Times 48 pp. $1.60

SPECTACULAR TIMES: The Bad Days Will End compiled and written by Larry Law

“The real state secret is the secret misery of daily life. Almost everything we care about has been turned into a commodity. We have to resist allowing the spectacle to define our hopes. We have to learn to play with our desires.” —from the text

Spectacular Times 28 pp. $1

SPECTACULAR TIMES: Bigger Cages; Longer Chains Compiled and Written by Larry Law

Leftist militants, the Labour Party and the official peace movement are the objects of the late Larry Law’s invective. The title comes from an anecdote about the 1981 riots in Toxteth, England. A socialist militant climbs on a box during a lull in the rioting to tell the crowd how there will be jobs for all in the socialist Paradise. As the speaker details other reforms, the crowd begins a mocking chant, “Bigger cages, longer chains, bigger cages, longer chains!”

Pocketbook Series $2



This informative, at times beautiful and impassioned book tells the history of the lakes from their “deep past” in formation through the European conquest and industrial “development.” From the massacre of the fur-bearing animals to the cutting of forests and poisoning of waters, Ashworth’s book tells the story of civilization’s extractive vampirism in this region. There are ample problems with the book—its lack of critique of civilization, capital and progress so common to environmental literature, to begin with, but those who read with these critiques in mind, will nevertheless find it valuable. The holocaust of our bioregion is a powerful and particularly despicable case history of the demon called progress.

Wayne State U. Press 274 pages $14.95

Here & Now Double Issue 7 & 8

Articles on language and violence, conspiracy, Baudrillard, Guy Debord, work, health and more. In addition the issue includes a 16-page supplement on Eastern Europe:

Here & Now 34 pp. $1.75


UNTYING THE KNOT: Feminism, Anarchism & Organization.
Two essays, “The Tyranny of Structurelessness” by Jo Freeman and “The Tyranny of Tyranny” a reply by Cathy Levine, written in the early 1970s strongly influenced feminist and anarchist circles at that time and continue to be relevant today.

Dark Star/Rebel Press 23 pp. $1.50

THE TRAFFIC IN WOMEN & Other Essays On Feminism by Emma Goldman with a biography by Alix Kates Shulman

Besides her classic lead essay, ones on “Marriage” and “Women’s suffrage” are included in this volume. Shulman’s short biographic sketch places this revolutionary anarchist within an historical context.

Times Change Press 63 pp. $3

Quiet Rumors: An Anarcha-Feminist Anthology

Along with Voltarine de Cleyre’s essay “The Making of an Anarchist,” the collection includes writings by anarcha-feminists from the early 1970s which “illustrate the clear parallels existing between feminist practice—non-hierarchical, anti-authoritarian and de-centralist—and the theories of anarchism.”—from the jacket.

Dark Star/Rebel Press 72 pp. $ 3.50


An enlightening overview of the significant roles women played in the Spanish Revolution. “In a way, it is clearly artificial to try to isolate the role of women in any series of historical events. There are reasons, however, why the attempt should still be made…; it cannot be assumed that when historians write about ‘people’ or ‘workers’ they mean women to anything like the same extent as men. It is only recently that the history of women has begun to be studied with the attention appropriate to women’s significance…”—From the introduction.

Lower Depths 28 pp. $1


TRAPPED IN SPAIN by Carlotta O’Neil

An account of the Spanish novelist’s experiences during the 1936 revolution. The horror of the fascist victory, prison and finally flight are chronicled in a human manner often lost in historic narratives.

Solidarity Books 165 pp. $2.50

ON GOGOL BOULEVARD: Networking Bulletin for Activists East and West Fall 1988

Gogol Blvd. is a favorite hang-out of Moscow’s youth and counterculture. A lively report Of the Eastern bloc rebel/dissident scene with concentration on anti-authoritarian cultural and political opposition. Its editors say this will be the last issue unless they see more support.

Neither East Nor West 24 pp. $1

LIVE WILD OR DIE!—Special Industrial Civilization Collapse First Pre-anniversary issue

This is a very exciting publication produced by the uncontrollable other voices of Earth First! that one may not always get to see in the group’s unofficial official newspaper. Articles on lots of actions, advice on tactics and scams, defending wolves and Malaysian rainforests, and much much more. Lavishly illustrated.

36 page tabloid $2
For multiple copies contact LWOD directly at POB 411233 San Francisco CA 94141.

POSSESSED: CARNIVAL ’89 ISSUE A Seattle Journal of Ink on Dead Tree Matter

Poetry, politics, fantasy, freewheeling freedom. Articles on witch doctoring, technology, socialists vs. skinheads, “terrible joy” and more.

24 page magazine $1.00


32 action-packed pages of anarchist news, debate, theoretical discussions, diatribes. Contains more exchanges on religion and deep ecology, current controversies around the anarchist gatherings, and more.

Columbia Anarchist League $1.50


Listings of the back issues show volume and number and list some of the articles they contain. Issues are 75 cents each.

11/8—”Crisis in Health Care: Your Money & Your Life,” part 1, “PBB: Case Study of an Industrial Plague,” “Myth of the Party.”

11/9—”Your Money & Your Life,” part 2, “Please Don’t Kidnap These Men!” (GM “ad”), “The Potential Criminal” (poster).

11/10—”Self-Management & the Spanish Revolution,” “Bicentennial Salute” (poster), “Medieval Revolts Against Church & State,” “The Idea of Detroit.”

11/11—”Unionization in America,” “The Black Sea Monster,” “Polish Food Riots.”

11/12—”Cop Gang vs. Street Gangs,” “Capitalism’s Industrial Plagues,” “Democracy.”

12/1—”On the Correct Handling of Nuclear Fallout Among the People,” “Unionism and the Nazi Labor Front,” “Piss in the Voting Booth.”

12/3—”Indian Genocide: Brazil Has Its Custers Too,” “On Organization: Two Views,” “The Revolt Against Work.”

12/4—”Worker Revolts in China,” “More on Revolt Against Work,” “More on Organization,” “Swine Flu Sham Fizzles.”

12/5—”Reclaiming Our Bodies,” “Marx: Good-by to All That,” “Communal Living,” “LNG,” “The Revolutionary 3 Stooges Brigade.”

12/6—”The New Family Therapy,” “The Last SLA Statement,” “Multinational Unions,” “Criticism/Self-Criticism.”

12/7—”Nuclear Technology & the State,” “Organization,” “Everyday Love,” “Maoists Become Shrubs.” “Prisons,”

12/10—”Back to the Stone Age?” “Ten Theses on the Proliferation of Egocrats,” Culture Shock: Detroit,” “Anti-Nuke Demo.”

12/11—”German Industrialist Commits Suicide” (special on death of ex-nazi Hans Schleyer and murders of RAF prisoners), “Comments on Revolutionary Violence,” “Industrialization & Domestication,” “Anarchy in the U.K.! The Power & the Punk,” “A Documented, Researched and Polite Call for the Destruction of Civilization.”

12/12—”Terrorism: the State Marches On,” “More on Revolutionary violence,” “The Revolt of the Animals,” “A Punk’s Essay,” “Punk: Musical Fad or Radical Kernel?”

13/1—”State Terrorism in West Germany,” “Did You Ever Want to Kill Your Boss?” (poster), “Fashionable Fascism: The Slick Misogyny of Porn,” “Ecotopia: To Nowhere & Back,” “Letter from Hamburg.”

13/2—”Response on Pornography,” “The State & Nuclear Power,” “You Create the Society That Destroys You” (poster), “Star Wars: Arms Race of the Future Is Now,” “Mao’s China.”

13/3—”More on Porn,” “Gail Garrot Big City Cop, First Woman in Her Field” (poster on reformist feminism), review of Clastres’ Society Against the State, “If You’re Not Busy Being Born, You’re Busy Buying.”

13/4—”QUBE TV: Pushbutton 1984,” “ag “Against Realism & Its Cause,” “Technology & Capitalism: America by Design,””Aldo No Moro,” “We Demand.”

13/5-6—”Pope Perishes,” “The Return of the Social Revolution,” “Economic Crisis & Revolution,” “American Anarchism.”

13/7—”Easy Come, Easy Go: Death of a Pope” “The Battle of France May 1968,” “The CNT in Modern Spain,” “You May Be the Victim of an Art Attack.”

14/1—”State Fetishism: Concerning the Red Army Faction,” “Jonestown: An Epilogue,” “Coke Adds Life… to Communism” (poster).

14/3—”Jr. Cops & Anti-Nukers,” “Interview with Abbie [Hoffman] ” “The Original Affluent Society: Stone-Age Economics,” “20th Century Technology Presents: Megadeath” (poster).

14/4—”Industrial Plague Widens,” “Warning to the Pope,” “Lasch’s War of All Against All: The Culture of Narcissism,” “The Practical Marx,” “It’s Raining Stockbrokers.”

14/6—”Carter’s Phony War Crisis,” “Fuck the Draft!” (poster), “Take This Census & Shove It” “More on Narcissism.”

15/1—”The Promise of the ’80s,” “Debate on Feminism,” “Stay Where You Are.”

15/2—”U.S./U.S.S.R. Prepare for Doomsday,” “The Refusal of Technology,” “Poland: Triumph & Defeats,” “Salamanders for Allah.”

15/3—”Readers Debate Technology,” “Saturn & Scientism,” “Against Civilization,” “On the Future of the Earth,” “Poland on the Edge.” (photocopy)

15/4—”More on Technology,” “The Land: The Need for Roots,” “Hungry? Eat Leaden Death,” special poster supplement on Iran “crisis”: “Truth Takes a Beating.”

15/5—Special issue on technology: “Against the Megamachine,” “Marxism, Anarchism & the New Totalitarianism,” “Technological Invasion,” “Indigenism & Its Enemies,” “Community, Primitive Society and the State.” (photocopy)

15/6—”A Reply to the Defenders of Technology,” “Aversion and the Dynamo,” “Poland at the Crossroad,” “The Pull-Back from Armageddon,” “Challenge to the Prison Movement,”

17/3—Special issue on the Middle East, including “Anti-Semitism and the Beirut Pogrom,” “Peace in Galilee?” “Latin American Terror: the Israeli Connection,” also “Exchange on the Nuclear Freeze,” “Impact of the Bomb on the Poetic Spirit: Post-War Japanese Poetry.”

17/4—”Against Leviathan,” “Societies on the Brink,” “The Pain of America.. and the Tylenol Killings,” “Norman Mayer & the Missile X.”

18/1—”FE Tool of the Year: the Sledgehammer,” “Pentagon War Plans on Automatic,” “Soft Tech,” “Primitive vs. Civilized War: Contrasts.” “A Family Quarrel.”

18/2—”Detroit: High Tech & the Widening Gyre,” “World-Wide Crisis: Is the Recovery Really Here?” “Beginning of Time, End of Time,” “Three Books on Israel.”

18/3—”The Euromissiles & the Fate of the Earth,” “Civilization is Like a Jetliner,” “Exchange on Israel, ” “Sex & Pain,” “A Response on Time,” “The Eighties So Far.”

19/2—”Debate on El Salvador,” “Anarchy and Christianity: An Exchange,” “Native People Resist at Big Mountain,” “The Seige of the Arsenal.”

19/3—”Elections Over—Gov’t Rule Wins,” “Criminals & Anarchists,” “Media: Capital’s Global Village,” “Emma Goldman In Spain,” “The Baseball Riots.”

19/4—”We All Live in Bhopal,” “Birds Combat Civilization,” “The Continuing Appeal of Nationalism,” “Anarchy in SF.”

20/1—”Nicaragua & Reagan’s Big Lie,” “Looking Back on the Vietnam War,” “In the Image of Capital: Biotechnology,” “Star Wars = First Strike,” “Bhopal & the Prospects for Anarchy,” “Anarchism & the Critique of Technology.” (photocopy)

20/2—”South Africa: Reform or Revolution?” “Comments on Central America,” “Freeze Nuclear Weapons? Freeze the Industrial System!” “Fredy Perlman: An Appreciation,” “The Machine Against the Garden: 2 Essays by Fredy Perlman,” “Number: Origin & Evolution.”

20/3—”20 Years of the Fifth Estate,” “Space Not the Place,” “Zionism & Jewish Ideals,” “Anarchism in the Age of Reagan,” “Fascist Youth Gangs.”

20/4—”Anarchy in Chicago,” “Resistance to the Plan is Heavy: Detroit’s Trash Incinerator,” “Mutinies Can Stop U.S. Wars,” “Spain ’36,” “Christians to the Lions,” “Space Not the Place,” part 2, “Kent State.”

21/1—”Kids—Say No to Gov’t,” “Critique of FE: Are We Losing It?” “The Case Against Art,” “Books on Revolution & Violence,” “A Pogrom Against Voodoo.” “Review of Perlman’s The Strait,” “We Brought Our Piss to Reagan.”

21/2—”Anarchy & the Left,” “Three Cases for Art, “Earth Diet: Earth Culture,” “Aberration: The Automobile,” “I Didn’t Go to Work Today” (poster), “Go Wild.”

22/2—”Anarchy In Minneapolis,” “Race, Class & Crime in the U.S.: The Goetz Case,” “Did the U.S. Cause AIDS?” “The Metaphysics of Dancing Tribes,” “U.S.: War-to-War Salesman,” “Letter from Chernobyl.”

23/1—”Palestine: Legacy of Conquest,” “Delving Deeper Into Deep Ecology,” “An Exchange on Deep Ecology & Population,” “Woman’s Freedom: Key to the Population Question,” “Earth First! and the Problem of Language,” “Anarchy & the Sacred,” “Barcelona May ’37.”

23/2—”Anarchy in Toronto,” “Stopping the Incinerator, Starting the Movement,” “Industrial Domestication,” “France May ’68,” “Deep Ecology Debate Continues/Earth First!ers Respond,” “Agriculture: Essence of Civilization,” “Ed Abbey: We Rest Our Case.”

23/3—”Anarchy in Korea,” “Palestine: Future of a Rebellion,” “Stopping the Incinerator: A Response,” “Live Wild Or Die!—The Other Earth First!” “Exchange on Agriculture & Civilization,” “Debate on Tactics: Anarchy in DC.”


14/2—Special issue on nuclear Power: Contains reprints on nuclearism and some new materials, “Eight Theses on Nuclearism” by P. Solis, “Progress & Nuclear Power” by Fredy Perlman, “Save the Seals—Skin the Rich,” an obituary of Nelson Rockefeller, and “On Having Nothing to Say.” (photocopy)