

Fifth Estate # 330, Winter, 1988-89

The Fifth Estate newspaper (ISSN No. 0015-0800) is published quarterly at 4632 Second Ave., Detroit MI 48201 USA.

Phone (313) 831-6800.

Subscriptions: $5.00 per year; $7.00 per year foreign including Canada.

Second Class postage paid at Detroit, Michigan.

No copyright. No paid ads.

Postmaster: Send address changes to Fifth Estate, P.O. Box 02548, Detroit MI 48202.

Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation

Title of publication: Fifth Estate.

Publication number: 710420.

Date of Filing: Oct. 31, 1988.

Frequency of issue: Quarterly.

Annual subscription price: $5.

Complete mailing address: 4632 Second Ave., Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan 48201.

Publisher: The Fifth Estate Newspaper.

Editor: None.

Managing Editor: None.

Owner: The Fifth Estate Newspaper, 4632 Second Ave., Detroit MI 48201.

Known bondholders, Mortgagers, and other security holders: None.

Extent and nature of circulation:

(a) average number of copies each issue during preceding 12 months; (b) actual number copies of single issue published nearest to filing date. Total number copies (net press run): (a) 4500 (b) 4500.

Paid and/or requested circulation: Sales through dealers and venders: (a) 1959 (b) 1800.

Mail subscriptions: (a) 780 (b) 814.

Total paid and/or requested circulation: (a) 2739 (b) 2614.

Free distribution by mail, carrier, or other means: (a) 1500 (b) 1500.

Total distribution: (a) 4239 (b) 4114.

Copies not distributed: (a) 224 (b) 386.

Return from news agents: (a) 37 (b) 0.

Total: (a) 4500 (b) 4500.

I certify that the above statements are correct and complete: Karen Elliot, Business Manager.