Mobilization to Save the Great Lakes

May 13 to 16, 1988 in Detroit


Fifth Estate # 328, Spring, 1988

Related: See “Save the Great Lakes: A Call to Action” in this issue.

The Evergreen Alliance is calling for a weekend-long Mobilization to Save the Great Lakes that is both regional and international in its focus. As we go to press many of the events are still in the planning stages; much will be finalized in the coming few weeks. The group can be contacted at P.O. Box 02455, Detroit MI 48202, or by phone at (313) 832-1738 for more information. The events as planned so far are the following:

Friday, 13 May: A public meeting on the theme of women and ecology, 7:30 pm at the Wayne State University Student Center Building, Hillberry Lounge. Speakers and program to be announced.

Saturday, 14 May: A march and rally in Detroit to Save the Great Lakes. Gather at Chene and Ferry at 12 noon and march across Ferry past the site of the Detroit trash incinerator, through the Cultural Center to Wayne State University’s campus for a rally. The march will be led by a Council of All Beings, representing the many species of the Great Lakes region, and carrying a sapling tree which will be planted at an appropriate site. Come with your neighbors, family, friends; bring your own banners and signs, props and costumes, masks and musical instruments to show your love for the Earth and your outrage at its destruction. Earlier in the morning, from 10 am to 1 pm, the regularly scheduled recycling drive will occur at the Unitarian Church at Cass and Forest.

Saturday night: A music benefit/party, location and program to be announced.

Sunday, 15 May: A conference on Saving the Lakes, at Wayne State U. General Lectures Hall (corner of Warren and Third Avenues), including speakers and workshops on the ecological crisis in the lakes. Speakers who have agreed to participate so far are Paul Connett, a well-known critic of incineration; Lois Gibbs of the Citizens Clearinghouse on Hazardous Wastes; and William Ashworth, author of the environmental history The Late, Great Lakes. Workshops will cover various aspects of the crisis; the FE plans to hold one on the social roots of environmental destruction.

Monday, 16 May: The Garbage Attack Group (GAG) has announced plans for a creative, nonviolent civil disobedience action against the Detroit trash incinerator.

Many other preparatory events are planned for March and April; meetings are Mondays at 7:30 pm at the Unitarian Church, Cass and Forest. The Alliance also needs donations to reprint the tabloid and pay for the conference expenses.