FE Bookstore


Fifth Estate # 324, Fall, 1986

The FE Bookservice may be reached at the same address as the Fifth Estate Newspaper, P.O. Box 02548, Detroit MI 48202 USA, telephone (313) 831-6800.

Visitors are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;

2) add 10% for mailing costs—not less than $.69 U.S. or $.96 foreign (minimum charge for 4th class book rate postage);

3) total;

4) write check or money order to: The Fifth Estate;

5) mail to The Fifth Estate, P.O. Box 02548, Detroit MI 48202 USA.

THE FREE by M. Gilliland

A fictional account of an insurrection, revolution and its suppression under circumstances not dissimilar from contemporary Great Britain. Graphic descriptions of battle, guerrilla warfare, torture and imprisonment make this novel not for the fainthearted, but probably represents what could be expected in a real such situation. So intense in sections (see our review in this issue) that it left our reviewer “looking for the door.”

Hooligan Press 142 pp. $4.00


Bolo’ Bolo ranges somewhere between a satirical sci-fi novel and a (non-violent) battle plan for the “substruction of the capitalist and/or socialist Planetary Work Machine.” Bolos are tribal sized units which group people around specific interests/ideologies/ideas/tastes or whatever sphere of commonality they choose. P.M. devises a time table and even a language necessary for the transition to a world of Bolos, and even if one refuses to take it all completely serious, there is a wealth of insight and humor to make the reading worthwhile.

Semiotext(e) 198 pp. $4.95

PROPAGANDA: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes by Jacques Ellul

“The theme of Propaganda is quite simply…that when our new technology encompasses any culture or society, the result is propaganda. Ellul has made many splendid contributions in this book.” Marshall Mcluhan

Vintage 313 pp. $5.95

AUTONOMOUS TECHNOLOGY: Technics-out-of-Control as a Theme in Political Thought by Langdon Winner

Winner outlines the paradoxes of technological development, the images of alienation and liberation evoked by machines, and assesses the historical conditions underlying the exponential growth of technology. He evokes the myths of Frankenstein and Prometheus to illustrate that we may all face a permanent bondage to our own inventions.

MIT Press 335 pp. $9.95

REBEL VIOLENCE v. HIERARCHICAL VIOLENCE: A Chronology of Anti-State Violence on the UK Mainland—July 1985- May 1986

Published Anonymously

From the text: “As usual during riots, the streets, normally -alien places serving the speedy circulation of merchandise where you pass through as quickly as possible, become the terrain of history and community in struggle, where people discover they have something to talk about other than purely boring events.” This sort of analysis is interspersed with a chronological listing of anti-state violence, riots, “hooliganism,” attacks on police along with hilarious reprints from mainstream papers decrying it all. (see our review in this issue.)

Combustion 8.5 x 11 35 pp. $1.50

LIVING MY LIFE: An Autobiography by Emma Goldman

In this first single-volume, unabridged autobiography, Goldman follows her life from her birth in 1869 in Lithuania through her personal triumphs and failures, her political radicalism and deportation, her love affairs, and personal remembrances. Johann Most, Alexander Berkman, “Big Bill” Heywood, Max Eastman, Jack London, John Reed, Lenin, Havelock Ellis and scores of others appear in this stirring account of the world’s most famous anarchist.

Peregrine 993 pp. paper (half price) $6.

(Note: due to its size orders for this book must include a minimum of $1.20 postage plus additional if other titles are ordered.)

BLOWING AWAY THE BORDERS: Unity With The Grass Roots Disarmament Movement In The Soviet Bloc: Can The U.S. Disarmament Movement Live Up To Its Name?

An introduction to the small but courageous independent peace movement in the Soviet Union which incurs the wrath of the KGB for its actions against war.

N.Y. Trust Group 8.5 x 11 10 pp. $.75
(See News & Reviews this issue for report on recent activities.)


“Plants feel pain, don’t they?” and other such inanities rebutted in clear, sensible terms.

People for Animals 22 pp. $1.50


HAYMARKET SCRAPBOOK edited by Dave Roediger & Franklin Rosemont

A profusely illustrated centennial anthology by contemporary labor historians and anarchists of the period. It focuses on the Haymarket Affair of 1886-7 and on the incredibly varied and enduring influence the event exerted across the world.

Charles H, Kerr 256 pp. 8 X 11 size $14.95


Collection of the witty, acerbic, often blunt and vitriolic detournements and denunciations of some west coast bad elements, negationists and rebels. “A totally unnatural world of tedium and deprivation…is crumbling.”

AAA 28 pp. 8 X11 $1.00


An account of the British miners strike. From the introduction: communities, and those who identify with the struggle, are actually beginning to discover real life outside and against the commodity-spectacle.

B.M. Combustion 31 pp. $1.00

ON THE POVERTY OF BERKELEY LIFE and the Marginal Stratum of American Society in General by Chris Shutes

The examination of Berkeley, Calif. as the prototype of life on the margins of capitalist society. An exposure of self-delusion about work, “hip” business, and consumption. Cruel, but fair. Ends with a fairly hopeful chapter on events in South Africa.

Self-published 52 pp. $2.50

CITIES OF THE RED NIGHT by William S. Burroughs

Satirical, visionary, this novel rivals his famous Naked Lunch. A “what if” story which rewrites history, retelling the tale of an anarchist pirate from the 17th century who founded a libertarian commune which was destroyed, its founder murdered by the British. Later, after a plague from the ancient Cities of the Red Night located in the Gobi desert has reduced the world population, other pirates begin where he left off, and carry his revolution to South America.

Holt 332 pp. cloth, originally $14.95, now $6.00


In a poetic style which leaves the terrain of history as it excoriates it, AGAINST LEVIATHAN traces the origins of the state, the destruction of myth-centered, communitarian, free societies by authoritarian machines and economic social relations, the varied forms of resistance to and flight from the state.

Black & Red 302 pp. $3.00

LETTERS OF INSURGENTS by Fredy Perlman (written under S. Nachalo and V. Vocheck)

Epic in scope and size, Letters examines the human qualities of love, loyalty and solidarity within the crucible of revolution. The reoccurring themes of the novel echo in many Black & Red publications and in this newspaper.

Black & Red 832 pp. $5.00


Brenner searches through the Zionist record and finds evidence that it sought the patronage of avowed anti-Semites and, ultimately, the collaboration of the fascists and Nazis. Brenner shows how from the beginning Zionism’s leaders were prepared to go to almost any length to achieve the goal of a separate Jewish homeland.

Lawrence Hill & Co. 277 pp. (hb) $8.95


By the author of The Treasure of the Sierra Madre and The Death Ship, Traven chronicles the clash between Mexican rural life and American industrialism to illustrate what we have traded for the modern world. It describes the discovery and exploitation of Mexico’s oil resources by the rapacious giants of the U.S. oil industry and the destruction of an Indian hacienda which stood in their way. Made into a movie in the ’70s in Mexico, its distribution was blocked for years because of pressure from the oil interests.

Lawrence Hill & Co. 209 pp.(hb) $6.95 (reduced)

JOHN BROWN by Henry David Thoreau

Three classic Thoreau essays in defense of Capt. John Brown and his raid on Harper’s Ferry to arm a slave insurrection. In the introduction to the 1984 Montreal edition the publisher links the scorn Brown reaped even from anti-slavery forces at the time to the contemporary refusal of many peace activists to support the “terrorism” of groups like the Vancouver 5. Poses the question: what acts are permissible to fight evil in the world? Graphically stunning.

Anonymous 36 pp. $1.00

NO STATIST SOLUTIONS: Anarchism and “the troubles” in Ireland by Michael Ziesing

Contains selections from the Dublin anarchist paper “Outta Control” and an interview with Hit Parade, an Irish Band. A first hand account of Ziesing’s travels in N. Ireland and his observations from a libertarian perspective. A review of this pamphlet in “Freedom” set off quite a debate between English and Irish anarchists.

46 pp. $2.50


Throughout the gulag-states there were military processions and official pseudo-celebrations to celebrate the Bolsheviks’ counter-revolutionary coup, and here in the West, various leftist sectlets held boring, poorly attended seances to commemorate the date. All of them, whether they represent Leninism in power (Brezhnev’s “real existing socialism”) or Leninism out of power (the 57 varieties of Trotskyism, Maoism and Stalinism of the Western parties), will be defending the mystifications of the monolithic machine which strangled the revolution.

October is also the 30th anniversary of the Hungarian rebellion of 1956 which is the most celebrated of the many revolts against Stalinist rule. The following books are a small contribution to the process of demystification of those events and a call for renewing the struggle against all forms of domination.


History of the anarchist peasant revolution in the Ukraine with telling revelations about the nature of “revolutionary” Bolshevik military and social policy. Written by a participant in the Makhnovist movement.

Black & Red $2.50

THE KRONSTADT UPRISING OF 1921 by Lynn Thorndycraft

Story of the heroic Kronstadt uprising against Bolshevik tyranny and its ruthless suppression by the leninists.

Left Bank Books 26 pp. 50 cents


An excellent chronology and analysis of the Bolshevik betrayal of the revolution from the seizure of the factories to the crushing of the Kronstadt Commune.

Black & Red 100 pp. $1.95

THE POVERTY-OF STATISM: A DEBATE by Fabbri, Rocker; Bukharin

Contains Nikolai Bukharin’s officially-sponsored attack on anarchism published in the Soviet Union in 1922, and Luigi Fabbri’s reply published in Italy the same year. Also, two articles by Rudolf Rocker, “Anarchism and Sovietism,” and “Marx and Anarchism.”

Cienfuegos Press $3.50

HUNGARY ’56 by Andy Anderson

The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 has always been trumpeted by the West as “proof” that people bridling under “communism” desire instead capitalist life. Anderson’s thorough account of the October events gives the full panorama of the revolt against the stalinist bureaucracy which contained the potential for universal forms of freedom—the workers’ councils. The text and the excellent photos bring events to life rich with humans in a fight for freedom.

Solidarity/Black & Red 138 pp. $1.75