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Fifth Estate # 32, June 15-30, 1967

The calendar is prepared by Fifth Estate calendar girls Karen Kovac and Naiomi Epil with cooperation from Detroit Adventure. Copy deadline is the 6th and 22nd of each month and should be sent to the Fifth Estate Calendar, 1107 W. Warren, Detroit, Michigan 98201.

Thurs the 15th

Muhamed Ali-Lewis Fight. Exhibition. Cobo Hall at 8:00 p.m. Adm. 6/15

DEMONSTRATION. Viewing Selected Celestial Bodies. Cranbrook Observatory, 9 p.m. Adm. Reservations 644-1600 ext. 285. 6/15

Friday the 16th

PLAY. A Funny Thing Happaned on the Way to the Forum. WSU Bonstelle Theatre, 3424 Woodward 8:30 p.m. Adm. 6/16

DEMONSTRATION. Viewing Selected Celestial Bodies. Cranbrook Observatory 9 p.m. Adm. Reservations 644-1600 ext. 285. 6/16

DANCE / CONCERT: Jagged Edge, Shifting Sands, Grande Ballroom, Adm. 8 p.m.-1 a.m.

Sat the 17th

DANCE/CONCERT: MC-5 Grande Ballroom, Grand River at Beverly, 8:30-1 a.m. Admission $2.50 6/17

PLAY. A Funny Thing Happaned on the Way to The Forum. WSU Bonstelle Theatre, 3424 Woodward. 8:30 p.m. Adm. 6/17

FILM. Beautiful Duckling (Chinese film) WSU Comm. Arts 8:30 p.m.

BALLET. Royal Ballet of England. 17 and 20, 8:20 p.m. Les Sylphides, Paradise Lost, The Dream. 18 at 2:20 and 8:20; Sleeping Beauty. Masonic Aud. Adm. 832-7100. 6/17, 18, 20.

Sun. the 18th

SUNCONCERT: Sun Ra & his Myth-Science Arkestra, the MC-5, lights by the Magic Veil, introduced by John Sinclair. Community Arts Aud. WSU (Cass & Kirby), 8:00 p.m. Donation $2.00 for those who have it. A Trans-Love production, sponsored by WSU Artists’ Society. 6/18

FREE MUSIC OUTDOORS: Seventh Seal, Billy C. and the Sunshine—Sun Ra—West Park, Ann Arbor (one block off West Huron St.) Trans-Love Ann Arbor. 2 p.m. 6/18

PROGRAM, student Sunday. International Institute, 4-8 p.m. 6/18

CONCERT. Mrs. Louise Allinger, pianist. Community Arts, 2:30. 6/18

Tues the 20th

PRECOMMENCEMENT psychedelic love prom at the Grande Ballroom. Only Cass Tech people and their guests invited. Music and lights by the Spikedrivers, Family Medicine Chest, Disciples, The Standard Family Size Columbus Washboard Company Jug Band and Magic Veil and High Society Light Show. Grande courtesy of Uncle Russ. You must be a student and prove it. Starting time 8:00 p.m. Adm. 6/20

Wed the 21st

LECTURE. The Ascent of Mt. McKinley—1966, Charles Bailey, Swarthmore College. Cranbrook Inst. of Science. 7:30 p.m. 6/21

Thurs the 22nd

GALLERY TALK. Events in Building a Turn of the Century Street Def. Hist. Museum. 3 p.m 6/22

Friday the 23rd

GRAND OPENING: THE SEE concert—house, 3929 Woodward (1/2 block south of Alexandrine). Spike-drivers, Charles Moore Ensemble, after 1 a.m. MC-5. 9 p.m.-5 a.m., admission $2.00. Lights by the Magic Veil. 6/23 A Trans-Love production.

PLAY. A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. See above, June 16, 17 6/23

Sat. the 24th

CONCERT: Spikedrivers, Charles Moore Ensemble, MC-5. THE SEE, 3929 Woodward, 9 p.m.-5 a.m., admission $2.00. Lights by the Magic Veil 6/24

SANE dance. U of D Union 6/24

CLEAN-IN: Warren—Forest area will be cleaned by hippies, starting noon Saturday and continuing until the neighborhood is clean and shiny. Meet at Trans-Love office, 4857 John Lodge, or start in front of your house and go from there. Celebration in the park, John Lodge and Forest, after the place is cleaned up. Make your community clean and lovely. 6/24

PLAY. A Funny Thing happened on the Way to the Forum. See above, June 16, 17. 6/24

Sun the 25th

FREE MUSIC OUTSIDE: Seventh Seal, MC-5, Charles Moore. West Park, Ann Arbor. 2 p.m. A Trans-Love production. 6/25

CONCERT. Sunday Musicale. International Inst. 4 to 6 p.m. 6/25

SOCCER GAME at U of D Stadium Fairfield at 6 Mile. 7:00 p.m. Adm. 6/25

OUTDOOR ART EXHIBIT. Oakland Comm. College; Highland Lakes Campus. 7350 Cooley Lake Rd. Union Lake 6/25

CONCERT. Mrs. Louise Allinger. See above, June 18 6/25

Wed the 28th

MILTON COVENSKY lectures on world developthent based on his recent tour of Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. 8:30p.m. at Rackham Educational Memorial, Adm. 6/28

LECTURE. Life Science, Emanuel C. Hertzler, Prof. of Biology. 8 p.m. Adm. 6/28

USTAD ALI AKBAR KAHN at Bloomfield Aud. 8:00 Adm. 6/28

GALLERY TALK. The Canadian Centennial, by Rep. of Dominionof Canada. Det. Hist. Museum. 3 p.m. 6/28

Thurs the 29th

CONCERT. Meadow Brook Music Festival. Det. Symphony, Sixten Ehrling. Oakland U. 8:30 Adm. 338-7211, ext. 2301. 6/29

Friday the 30th

CONCERT: Jefferson Airplane, MC-5, Rationals, Apostles, Ourselves. Lights by the Magic Veil and the High Society. A Russ Gibb Production, sponsored by WKNR. 8:30 p.m. Tickets from $3.00-$4.50. 6/30

CONCERT: Midnight concert with the MC-5, Charles Moore Ensemble, 12 midnight to 5 a.m. THE SEE, 3929 Woodward. A Trans-Love production. Lights by the Magic Veil.


STONE PONIES thru June 18. HOWLING WOLF June 20-July 4 at the Chess-mate, 17126 Livernois at 6 Mile. Adm. much!

BOB POSCH plays Folk music at the Freudian Slip, a bar of insane interior decor at 1910 Puritan. Shows run from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Tues. thru Sat. Age requirement is 21. Adm.

IRISH ROVERS June 18 followed by MUDDY WATERS June 20—25 and then by PHIL MARCUS ESSER from June 27 into July at the Living End at 8225 John Lodge. Age limit 21. Adm.

THE OUTLANDERS, a folk quintet and Mary Ann Thomas will appear June 16-17 followed by Billy C and the Sunshine; Ken and Wally—June 22-24

WISDOM Tooth, Plum and Fifth Stret. Adm.

OSCAR BRAND thru June 18, DAVID, DELROSA and BROOKS from June 20 to July 2 at the Raven Gallery 29101 Greenfield. Adm.

BOBLO AND EDGE WATER amusement excitement, Super non chemical highs on the Roller Coaster and Ferris Wheel. Moonlight Cruises for Boblo leave the dock at the foot of Woodward. Edgewater is located at 23500 W. 7 Mile. Adm. Most fun if you go in a happy state of mind.

POETRY WORKSHOP—every Monday night 8:00 p.m. at Artists’ Workshop, 4827 John Lodge. Free.

BAREFOOT IN THE PARK is playing at the Barn Theatre thru June 25 followed by HALF A SIXPENCE starting June 27. Shows start at 8:00 Adm.

FOLK DANCING at the International Institue, 111 E. Kirby, Fridays at 8:00 p.m. and Mondays 8:30 p.m.: Highland Park YWCA at 8:30 p.m. Fridays; in Ann Arbor, Fridays at 8:00 p.m. at the Barbour Gym, the Mondays at 8:30 in the Womens Athletic Bldg. Adm: minimal.

CANOEING and bicycling at Belle Isle. Rental costs money. Lots to see and feel.

SYMPHONY CONCERTS at the State Fair Band Shell 8 Mile and Woodward thru June 25 excluding June 12 and 22

JUSTICE IN ACTION at RECORDER’S COURT 1326 St. Antoine. Weekdays Free Amusement

SATURDAY HAPPENINGS in Ann Arbor with music from the 7th Seal and plenty of people full of Happiness Love… The occurrances are at West Park, weekly.

TIGER BASEBALL. June 16-30 except from June 23-26. All at 8:00 p.m. except June 17, 18, 22 when games are at 1:30 p.m.; and June 19, a twi-night double header, starts at 6:00 p.m. The 17th is Ladies—Retirees day, and the 19th is Family night. Tiger Stadium is at Michigan and Trumbull—Adm.

DANCE Workshop. Intermediate and advanced, with Sophie Maslow, dance-artist and choreographer. WSU Matthei daily 1-4:30 p.m. and 6-9:30 p.m. and 6-9:30 p.m. 6/27—

July 8.

SUNDAY AFTERNOON HAPPENINGS at the Forest—Warren park off of John Lodge. Frisbees. music, fun and food and friends.


CEZANNE and his CONTEMPORARIES at the Art Institute 5200 Woodward.

EXHIBITION. WSU Student Exhibit, 31st Annual. WSU Comm. Arts. Daily. 6/15-July 23.

EXHIBITION. Annual Adult Student Exhibition. Bloomfield Art Ass’n. Tues.-Sun. 2-5 p.m. 6/25—Aug. 6.

EXHIBITION. The Arts of India and Nepal. Dec Art Inst. Gallery Tours each Wed., Thurs., and Fri. at 11 a m. and 2 p.m. Sun. at 2 p.m. 6/28-Aug. 16.

EXHIBIT: All about Michigan; featuring Indian and pioneer life of early Michigan, Detroit Historical Museum, Children’s Museum. 6/1-30.

EXHIBIT: Annual student exhibit, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Galleries. Tues-Fri. 2-5, Sat. and Sun. 1-5. Adm. 6/1 Sept. 30.

EXHIBIT: Group show by regular contributors, Detroit Artists’ Market, Mon-Sat. 10-5. 6/1—3.

EXHIBIT. Arts and Crafts School 245 E. Kirby. Exhibit thru June 9 Closed Sunday. Tues. & Thurs. 7 p.m.—9 p.m. other days 10 a.m. to 4 p.m

EXHIBIT: 21st Annual Water Color Exhibit of Michigan Water Color Society Student Center, Mercy College, Daily, 2-6. 6/4-28

EXHIBIT: Annual spring exhibit by gallery members, Arts Extended Gallery, 1549 Broadway, Mon-Fri. 12-5.

EXHIBIT: 80th birthday festival for Marc Chagall, Garelick’s Gallery, 20208 Livernois, Daily 9-6.