Barbaric Notes


Fifth Estate # Daily Barbarian Number 3

Fifth Estate Home > Issue 319, Winter, 1985 >

Back so soon?

Well, we didn’t make it as a monthly publication, but we did make it back. This issue—#3—marks a turning point for the Daily Barbarian…this broadsheet can no longer be considered a bi-decadal. In fact, we’re pushing for quarterly status, if we can get the next issue—#4—out by 1989?!

We’d like to thank everyone who wrote to us (we will be publishing letters in future issues) and those who sent material for publication. We’d also like to thank everyone who sent us $$ donations, especially all of the friends who sent $100 from the last Michigan Anti-Authoritarian Picnic.

If you would like to have the Barbarian delivered to your doorstep, just send a SASE to: Daily Barbarian, c/o Urbane Gorilla, P.O. Box 02455, Detroit, MI 48202.