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Fifth Estate # 317, Summer 1984

A low-power shortwave pirate radio station has been established in Florida. Tangerine Radio broadcasts 2 half-hour shows every weekend featuring rock music, news of the world and of the anarchist movement, and commentary. Frequencies used are approximately 3450 and 6940 kilocycles. $5 donation will bring a cassette tape of two shows to use for a Free Radio legal defense fund. We’re also putting together a booklet explaining how to start a free radio station. Rick Freeman, Box 541, Orlando FL 32802.

THE ACE magazine covers clandestine radio. Sample issue for $1, Box 13225 DT Sta., Minneapolis MN 55414

The Marathon for El Salvador and Central America will take place within the larger sanctioned Montreal Marathon on Sept. 23. Donations are pledged to runners and will be used for medical supplies in El Salvador and refugee camps in Mexico. T-shirts and pins available from Marathon Committee, Box 794, Station N, Montreal PQ H2X 3T7, Canada.