News & Reviews


Fifth Estate # 313, Summer, 1983

The always provocative and irreverent The Match! (P.O. Box 3488, Tucson AZ 85722) is currently involved in a raging debate on pornography in which it inveighs against any censorship even by women who maintain they are victimized by it. “No one,” states The Match! “is fit to be a censor!”

Also, Kent Winslow’s serialized novelette, “Dream World,” is worth the price of admission alone.

The Match! has returned to publication after a hiatus of several years and now publishes quarterly. Fred Woodworth, the paper’s indefatigable editor, recently sent us a bundle of 30 issues from the days when it was a monthly. These are available to FE readers upon request with book orders or for postage if ordered alone. The new editions are available from the above box.

“Support Southern Fried Anarchy!” The staff of the Orlando Indicator, Workers’ Autonomy and others are trying to rent an office to serve as an anarchist reading room, think-tank and hideout, and they write “since we are a small collective in a reactionary town, we need to be remembered in our comrades’ thoughts, hopes and fund-raising events.” They are asking for anarchist literature, leaflets, etc., to be sent to: Rick Harrison, The Orlando Conspiracy, PO Box 541, Orlando F L 32802.

Resistance, a newspaper from the Dublin Anarchist Collective (issue no. 3 April/May 1983) just received carrying articles on abortion, Gays under attack, Unemployed March, and more. Write to them at: Dublin Anarchist Collective, PO Box 1305, Dublin 1, Ireland.

Another new publication is Workers Playtime which is produced by some members of the London Workers Group which describes itself as: “an open discussion group involving anarchists, councillists, autonomists and anyone else interested in workplace class struggle from a revolutionary perspective.” Write to them at: Box LWG, c/o Little A, C1 Metropolitan Wharf, Wapping Wall, London E1.

The Wooden Shoe Spring Catalog, besides containing a lengthy listing of their anarchist literature, and an assortment of leftish publications not generally available, also offers an interesting history of the 6-year-old bookstore. Describing itself as “an anarchist/feminist/socialist bookstore collectively owned and operated,” they were at one time part of a group calling itself Philadelphia Solidarity. You can write for a copy of their catalog at: Wooden Shoe Books & Records, 112 S. 20th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103.

The good news: Bound Together Bookshop & Meeting Place Collective (whewl) have found new quarters at 1369 Haight St., San Francisco CA 94117; the bad news: the move will increase their rent from $200 a month to $700! They have also started publishing a newsletter which will appear monthly and contain reviews, graphics, photos, poetry, short stories, articles on news events, announcements, etc. In order to meet their extremely high rent, Bound Together is asking for donations sent to the above address.

Suburban Relapse is a new punk fanzine out of N. Miami which recently listed the FE in its Zine Roundup. Issue No. 9 includes a Special Report on Necrophilia, Morbid Opera (“bend over and squeal”), and a New Homemakers Section with the Angry Samoans among other things. Reach them at P.O. Box 610906, N. Miami FL 33261.

The Lysander Spooner Society is a loosely knit group of anarchists centered in Eastern Connecticut. The primary arm of the Spooner Group is the periodical Instead of a Magazine. The highly eclectic editorial policy of IOAM reflects the interests and philosophy of the group just about as well as anything else does. Most importantly it probably reflects the fact that they “support anti-statist causes of all stripes and do not cotton to the notion of badmouthing other radicals. That we save for statists and authoritarians.” Some topics covered in recent issues center around racism, sexism, fascism and prisons. Sample copy from P.O. Box 433, Willimantic CT 06226.

The Spark (no relation to the miserablist trotskyoid rag which emanates from Detroit, written in fourth grade reading comprehension level English by socialist grad students posing as “workers”), is an anarchist newsletter of contemporary thought. It says, “Neither left nor right, The Spark erases the borders between marxism and libertarianism, between communism and ego.” It features articles on politics, culture, economics, feminism, anarchist history, and more. Sample copies are $1 from P.O. Box 528, Port Townsend WA 98368.

The Alternative Press Index is a quarterly subject index to over 175 different alternative magazines, newspapers and journals (mostly leftist but including some libertarian publications, such as the FE). They also publish a free list of alternative periodicals yearly which contains current address and subscription information and categorizes each periodical by subject. Subscriptions available at $90 per year for institutions and $25 for individual and movement group subs. Write to them at: Alternative Press Center, P.O. Box 7229, Baltimore MD 21218.

Though punks and anarchists are still on the airwaves in Columbia, Missouri (KOPN), recent communication from our friends there indicates they expect further repression by “people who are afraid that Moral Majority types will cause the station to lose financial backing.”

Sleepless Frenzy, an anarchist noise show is going to switch from punk to an “avant-garde” music show in June because after two years, the show’s originators are tired of playing punk. The anti-punk hysteria at the station has apparently been quite a hassle, but now the station has 3 other punk shows (Total Khaos, being one), and Sleepless Frenzy now feels too straight for the current punk scene.

The Columbia Anarchist League recently sponsored the appearance of the Rock Against Reagan tour which included the Michigan band Crucifucks. The show included speeches on sexual and reproductive freedom, draft resistance, and anarchy as a practical alternative to government terror, and the show’s proceeds went to Misery Magazine and Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed. Although each of the above projects has separate addresses, they may all be reached through the Columbia Anarchist League, P.O. 380, Columbia MO 65205.

Commonweal (Box Terrier, 84b White Chapel High St., London E.1, England) is the first issue of a new review which takes its name from the 1885 publication of the Socialist League. Its many articles deal with the state of the state, its repressive arm, and the prospects for the libertarian movement.