News and Reviews


Fifth Estate # 310, Fall 1982

North American anarchist/libertarian news and publications

Issue No. 14 of Open Road is now out. This issue was made possible thanks to the generous response to the OR’s financial appeal. They welcome additional support, of course. The OR now costs $1.00 per issue. The current issue includes an interesting article by John P. Clark, “Anarchism and the World Crisis,” articles on pornography, the democracy movement in China, punk rock, the Amsterdam riots, and more.

The Spring 1982 issue of Soil of Liberty, put out by North Country anarchists and anarcha-feminists, is now available from Soil of Liberty, P.O. Box 7056, Powderhorn Station, Minneapolis, MN.55407. The current issue includes an interview with Sam and Esther Dolgoff, a talk on the Cold War by Noam Chomsky, commentary on Spain, and more.

Various nihilistic flyers and posters have been received from Anomie, P.O. Box 40256, San Francisco, CA 94140. Life on the edge of human history….

An interesting and well-produced poster on the suppression of the Polish workers’ movement entitled Order, is available from Collective Inventions, P.O. Box 24411, San Jose, CA 95154. “As long as Solidarity could function effectively as a trade union, i.e., as long as it could deliver the working class, the party was ready to recognize Solidarity in its role of official opposition. When Solidarity could no longer completely control its constituency, and when certain of its leaders wanted more power vis-a-vis the state, it became expendable in the state’s eyes. The ensuing “Operation Three Circles,” moreover, was directed not only against Solidarity but against all those—workers, students, intellectuals—who might contest existing authority. Jaruzelski’s coup has been less a move against Solidarity’s trade unionist aspirations as it has been one against those in Solidarity’s rank and file who saw it as a mass movement of social transformation. —from the poster.

The July 1982 and August 1982 issues of Emancipation, the publication of the Anarchist Association of the Americas, has been received. The August issue, a special issue on “Marxism and Anarchism,” contains, among the sterile debates on Marx’s merits and demerits, interesting commentary by David De Vries on the indispensability of the writings of Jacques Camatte and Jean Baudrillard to a consideration of this question. Subscription rates to Emancipation are $4.00 per year, or $7.00 for two years. Their address is Emancipation, Box 840, Ben Franklin Station, Washington, D.C. 20044.

The second issue (Summer 1982) of Ideas and Action, a new libertarian publication from San Francisco, is now available. Their address is Ideas and Action, P.O. Box 40400, San Francisco, CA 94110. The current issue includes in-depth articles on Poland and El Salvador, as well as articles on worker concessions in industry and a discussion of the role of libertarian minorities in the workplace struggle.

The North American Anarchist Network announces to prospective participants in their network that they should “Take 50 copies of whatever you wish to share and send them, with an optional donation ($2 to $3 suggested) to P.O. Box 18488, Denver, CO 80218, U.S.A. We will collate all subscriptions and mail them back out again so that everyone receives a copy of everyone else’s submission. The NAAN collective exercises no editorial control whatsoever. All submissions received by us are included in the mailing. NAAN is collated and mailed quarterly. The deadlines are February 1st, May 1st, August 1st, and November 1st. For a sample copy, please send us a donation along with a letter expressing your wishes. Let’s all keep in touch!”

The always amusing SRAFederation Bulletin, the discussion bulletin of the Social Revolutionary Anarchist Federation, is now out. This is their 76th issue, dated September, 1982. That well-known “anarchist” anti-Semite Joffrey Stewart, whose insane diatribes have graced the pages of the Bulletin for a number of years now, is a big topic of conversation in the current issue. Although nobody is preventing Joffrey from publishing or verbalizing his idiotic ravings to anyone stupid enough to listen, the liberals in the SRAF Federation insist upon aiding and abetting Stewart by providing a forum for him, in the name of freedom of speech. Does free speech mean I have to let a Nazi stand on my shoulders and use me as a soapbox? The Bulletin is available from SRAF, P.O. Box 21071, Washington, D.C. 20009.

A special issue of Vortex: A Journal of New Vision featuring the article “Anarchy: The Inner Voice” is available from Bound Together Books, 1901 Hayes, San Francisco, CA 94117.

The Groupe Thoreau, composed of anti-authoritarian pacifists, publishes Civil Disobedience, a newsletter available from Groupe Thoreau, a/s Librairie Alternative, 2033 rue St. Laurent, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. $5 for six issues.

Issue No. 1 of Apeiron: Paper of Libertarian Pagans is available at $1.00 per issue, or $5.00 for six issues (no checks) from R. Yves Breton, C.P. 95.STN Place d’Armes, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2y 3E9.

The Storm! A Journal for Free Spirits, an anarchist-individualist publication, is available at $1.00 for a single issue, $2.00 for a double issue subscription, and $4.00 for a five issue subscription. Make checks or money orders payable to Mark A. Sullivan (not to The Storm!). The address is Apt. 2E, 227 Columbus Ave., New York, NY 10023 U.S.A.

Black Thorn Books announces their first five publications, including The Russian Tragedy by Alexander Berkman and Land and Liberty: Anarchist Influences in the Mexican Revolution by Ricardo Flores Magon. Edited by Dave Poole. For a complete list of books and prices, write to Black Thorn Books, 186 Willow Avenue, Somerville, MA 02144 U.S.A. Phone: (617) 666-1798.

Orlando Indicator: The Official Newspaper of the Great Conspiracy is an anarchist publication that “takes a surrealist approach to life…”. To receive the next 12 Indicators, send $3 and your address to R.K. Harrison, 2418 Formosa Ave., Orlando, Florida 32804.

Resistance, a publication about armed struggle groups, is available from Friends of Durruti, Box 790, Station ‘A’, Vancouver, B.C. Canada.

Foreign anarchist/libertarian news and publications

Echanges No. 30, May 1982 is out. This is the publication of Echanges et Mouvement, which “is, for a group of comrades sharing similar positions and in close contact with one another, a means of exchanging news in struggles, discussions and criticisms on all the struggles of all kinds carried out by those directly concerned for their own emancipation. It is therefore important that each recipient makes his own contribution to this end in exchange for what he expects from others.” Six issues of the bulletin Echanges and two pamphlets (about 100 pages) cost 25 French Francs (or equivalent). You should request whether you want the French or English edition. They will accept cash in any currency (only bank notes) as payment. For complete subscription information and a list of Echanges and other publications on social struggles, write to: Echanges et Mouvement, p/a Anneke van Ammelrooy, Eikbosserweg 87, 1213 RT Hilversum, Holland.

Practical Anarchy—an interesting anarchist street sheet, and the Paisley Gutterpress: Paisley’s Most Negative Paper, are both available c/o Box 3, Glasgow Bookshop Collective, 488 Great Western Road, Glasgow, Scotland. Also from the same address are some great flyers, including an anti-automobile flyer that announces that “a movement of discontent is growing, beyond the control of any political party or union bureaucracy. And when that movement shows itself in the factories, it will be a whole new ball game.”…

The A Gallery, P.O. Box 1937, Thision, Athens, Greece, is an anarchist multimedia center in Athens. They would like to receive copies of newspapers, flyers, magazines, posters, etc. on anarchism, feminism, ecology, anti-militarism, alternative lifestyles, etc. They could also use money.

Red Notes has just published The Italian Inquisition, a pamphlet about the show-trial of the Italian Workers Autonomy movement. It is available for 40 pence + 17 pence postage (or equivalent) from Red Notes, B.P. 15, 2a St. Paul’s Road, London N1, England.

Prisoner news and publications

We regret to inform you that Black Market Books, a free prisoner book service, has been discontinued.

Left Bank Books is now sponsoring a “Books for Prisoners” project, however. Prisoners, and anyone on the outside interested in donating books or money, can write: Books for Prisoners, Box A, 92 Pike St., Seattle, WA 98101.

We recently received the July-August 1982 issue of Through the Looking Glass, a monthly newsletter that focuses on women and youth incarcerated in the Pacific Northwest and throughout the world. Their address is Box 22061, Seattle, WA 98122.

The Committee to Abolish Prison Slavery announces publication of their book Prison Slavery, which provides documented evidence and prisoner testimony in support of deleting the exception for slavery found within the Thirteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. The book costs $12.95 per copy. Send orders to Committee to Abolish Prison Slavery, P.O. Box 3207, Dept. CML, Washington, DC. 20010.