New York Hippie Runs for President


Fifth Estate # 31, June 1-15, 1967

At last we have a presidential candidate, a man who will aid in uniting the hippie tribes into a solid unit with one goal in mind. That man is Louis Abolafia, a New York artist and jazz trumpeter.

Mr. Abolafia is running on an Independent, Art, Love Beauty platform and in the recent New York state gubernatorial election he polled 2,500 write-in votes. One of the planks in Mr. Abolafia’s platform is the lowering of the voting age. He also intends to attack Governor Romney in his own back yard. Some of Louis’s backers include Allen Ginsberg, Timothy Leary and Paul Krassner.

Carl Tausch, a former Detroiter, has returned from New York to take charge of the Detroit seg- [text gap in original] for President Campaign. Mr. Tausch stated that requests to place Mr. Abolafia’s name on the ballots should be sent to the local board of elections. More information on the campaign can be obtained by writing the Louis Abolafia for President Campaign Headquarters at their temporary address, which is P.O. Box 65, Garden City, Michigan 48135. Other Abolafia for President campaign offices are located in Boston, East Lansing, Chicago, the Lower East Side, and throughout California. Campaign volunteers are needed and will be greatly appreciated.
Contact Tom Yates at the Fifth Estate office to volunteer or write Mr. Tausch at P.O. Box 65, Garden City, Michigan 48135.